

Do lions live in Savannah

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, the African Savannah. There are no wild lions living naturally in the Americas, except in zoos and sanctuaries. Lions only exist in Eastern and Southern Africa and a very small population in India.

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Q: Do lions live in Savannah
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The Savannah:)

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Lions live in Africa on the Savannah.

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Lions do not live in the rainforest, they live in the African Savannah. Tigers live in the rainforest however.

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What type of habitat do lion live in?

Lions live on the African savannah.

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Lions live on the Savannah, open grassland. They'll need access to water but don't live in it.

What areas do lions live in in Africa?

In Africa the most place lions live is in savannah. I hope that has answered your questions.

Do lions live in the African safari?

A safari is a group of people going out into the wild to see, or possibly hunt animals. Lions don't live within these Groups. You probably meant "Savannah", the African grasslands. And yes, lions live on the Savannah.

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The African savannah.

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