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The plant and animal cells are similar in many ways.There are only a few differences like presence of cell wall , presence of chloroplasts, absence of centrioles in plants. in all other ways (provided that you do not consider the genes) they are similar

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Q: How are plants and animal cells similar?
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plant cells are in plants and animal cells are in animals

How are plants and animal cells different?

plants cells have chloroplast animal cells don't

What two ways plants and animal cells are similar?

i think that they ar eawa different from eachpther

Are chloroplasts in plants and animal cells?

They are in plant cells. They are absent in animal cells

Are chloroplasts found in animal cells or in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are found ONLY in plant cells - they are used for photosynthesis.

How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

What do animal cells have that plants cells dont?

Generally, animal cells have cilia and plant cells do not.

What are the cells of animal and plants?

They are eukaryotic cells.

What cell do animal cells have that Plant cells do not have?

animal cells have centrioles. plants dont

What are 3 differences between plant and animal cells?

animal cells have centrioles which plants do not have. animal cell are heterotrophs and plants are autotrophs plants cells have cell walls composed of cellulose and animal cells do not have any.