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Goats are natural climbers, therefor cannot be trained to stay down. Just like goats or sheep in the wild, they love and need to climb. Also naturally curious creatures, they will need to see what is on the "top" of everything. If you have goats for pets, they should be kept in a pasture or paddock that gives plenty of room for them to excercise. They should have man-made mountains to climb upon such as a wooden jungle gym made of logs and other wood. All climbing apparatus should be stable enought to hold the weight of the goats(s) without toppling over. Fences should be about 5 feet high and made of small 2" squared wire Fencing so that the goats cannot jump or climb over. Keep "mountains" in the middle of the pasture or paddock or goats will use them to "launch" over the fence! Always offer fresh water and plenty of alfalfa hay with forage supplements. You should also be aware that altered males (wethers) have special needs as well. They are suseptable to life threatening stones in the urethra and cannot be fed grains containing molasses and other minerals. Selenium is a great choice for the salt block requirements.

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