

How long do cats sleep a day?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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An average house cat sleeps about 16-20 hours each day.

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Related questions

How long does domestic cats sleep?

13-16 hours in A day

How many hours sleep do cats require per day?

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day.

Why do cats never seem to sleep?

Actually they do sleep, mostly throughout the day and are sometimes awake when its around nighttime. That's why cats live long years since they sleep a great portion of their lives. :L

How many hours a day do domestic cats sleep?

Cats sleep from 16 to 18 hours

Who sleeps more cats or humans?

cats can sleep 15 hours a day which is more than how much humans sleep. humans sleep for about 7 hours a day.

How long do cats sleep day?

Cats indeed sleep a total of 18 hours a day. Unless a cat has an interrupted sleep this is the correct answer, look it up if you must, but this right here is the truth. Ask your parents, your teachers, what the heck examine your cats for a day, because I know this is the truth. No matter what you people that don't even know me say this is the truth. Thank you.

Why do cats sleep with their head upside down the day before a rain?

The old saying is that cats sleep with their heads upside down the day before a rain. It is not always true, cats just sleep funny sometimes.

Do cats sleep day or night?

Yes. They sleep frequently at all times of the day or night.

Do cats sleep more than they are awake?

Yes. Cats sleep more than 13 hours a day!

How long do cats sleep every day more than what animal?

16 hours evey day more than every animal

Do cats sleep most of the day?

yeah they sleep 16 to 18 hrs a day , and outdoor cats remain without sleeping all night , hunting

Do cats go to bed at night or do they not go to bed and sleep?

they can sleep where you can sleep, unless you sleep on a bed of nails or fire or anything like that.