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Both of the protein types are very similar, though the exact compositions may not be the same. This does not matter to us as we break food down to its constituent amino acids then reassemble them into our own proteins. However, the percentage of protein in the milks of the two species is different.

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9y ago

The DNA sequence of both of them is different. There is not much difference in both of them, as both are mammals. But this difference is too much for the immunity. Your immunity can identify even the single different amine acid.

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9y ago

The muscle protein in cows is almost identical to that in humans. The only difference is that cows tend to have a slightly higher whey protein content than humans.

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9y ago

Human muscle proteins and cow muscle proteins are almost identical. Cows tend to have slightly higher whey protein levels than humans.

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10y ago

Protein content in any mammal's muscle is the same regardless of species.

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Q: How might a cow muscle proteins differ from human muscle protein?
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How can you eat cow muscle protein if you only have human proteins in your body?

All proteins are made up of chains of amino acids, the building blocks for protein. When you eat "cow muscle protein," your body breaks the proteins down into amino acids, which are absorbed in the small intestine and then utilized for your body to produce the proteins that we require. Many proteins, however are identical in the cow and human. (i.e. actin and myosin, two proteins that allow for muscle contraction)

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The protein are assimilate to human body is because protein is gave body growth

How might a human muscle protein molecule differ from a horse muscle protein molecule?

The DNA sequence of both of them is different. There is not much difference in both of them, as both are mammals. But this difference is too much for the immunity. Your immunity can identify even the single different amine acid.

What is the importance of the ridosome in the human cell?

They make proteins!!!:)

How does a human muscle protein molecule differ from a horse muscle protein molecule?

Humans may have less mitochondria present, as our muscles are not designed to do as much phsyical work as horses; muscles are. Muscle cells typically have more mitochondria so they are able to generate ATP for physical activity without quickly defaulting to fermentation.

Why do humans need proteins?

humans need proteins to make good muscles and health.

What is the function of protein?

There are many functions of proteins. They are the basic building blocks of living things and are responsible for the growth and repair of body cells and tissues. The human body is about one half muscle, and muscles are mostly made of proteins. There are seven main types of protein: antibodies, contractile proteins, enzymes, hormonal proteins, storage proteins, structural proteins, and transport proteins.

Are proteins found in the intestines?

the protein in the human body found in the cells of the mucles

The most abundant of the muscle proteins is?

The most abundant of the muscle proteins is - Myosin 100% courtesy of Holes Human Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 9 Feedback MC Quiz

What is a compete protein?

complete protein is found in animal products and soy beans. It provides ALL the proteins that the human body needs.Examples of complete proteins- Eggs- Ham (meat)- Pink Salmon- Cottage Cheeseand more,,Incomplete protein provides SOME of the proteins that the human body needs. Incomplete proteins are found in plant products like nuts and legumesExamples of incomplete proteins are- Sunflower seeds- Peanuts- Peas- Nuts- legumes

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Both fats and protein is essential for the human body. Carbohydrates are not essential. So the answer is protein and fats.

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That humans are more closely related to monkeys than to chickens.