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It's best to take your cat to the vet right away. In my cat's case, she had an eye infection that is common to cats and the doctor gave me some salve to put in her eye each night. That took care of the problem within about a week.

Another Sneezing in cats will occur in every cat several times throughout their lifespan, and it most cases it is a one and done issue. However, if it persists, the chances of it going away on its own are very slim.

If it is associated with a nasal discharge and your cat begins to cough, this is perhaps one of the worst, if not the worst warning signs you will ever hear from your cat. At this point, it will not dissipate on its own and you need to react very quickly.

If there is a nasal discharge, especially in older cats, it can be the early warning signs of a disease in your cat's nasal passage, but it can also be the first signs that there is something seriously wrong with your cat. If the sneezing persists, it can very easily turn into what is referred to as nasopharynx, which can cause reverse sneezing, and can very easily cause your cat to begin to retch their back which is also very dangerous.

Once this occurs, your cat may begin to bleed from their nostrils and you will also begin to smell very foul odors coming from their mouth which indicates that there is a foreign object stuck somewhere or something much more sinister has developed; cancerous tumors.

There may also be other potential causes of sneezing in cats and the most common is a nasal disease that can cause inflammation and is referred as lymphocytic rhinitis, which is an immune response to a potential attack.

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Q: If your cats have running eyes and are sneezing a lot will this go away on its own or do you need to take them to a vet?
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