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Yes, the chicken will be safe at 50 degrees for a few hours. Never let a chicken set out in for more than an hour after it has thawed.

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Q: Is chicken safe stored at 50 degrees for a few hours?
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More than safe i might even be burned. smile* wiinK*

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This will depend on how long the chicken was left at 69 degrees. Ideally the chicken would have been defrosted to only 40-45 degrees then cooked fully to a minimum of 170 degrees. If the chicken has been over 45 degrees for more than a few hours, I would suggest not eating it at all.

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As long as it isn't moldy and doesn't smell bad it is safe to eat.

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The food danger zone is 41 degrees F to 135 degrees F, meaning your food should not be stored at this temperature for more than 4 hours TOTAL. Bacteria grows best in this temperature zone. Safe cooking temperatures are different depending on the meat source and the cooking time, but generally: Chicken is 165 degrees F, Stuffed food is 165 degrees F, Sausage is 155 degrees F, Ground beef is 155 degrees F, Steak, pork & seafood is 145 degrees F.

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No food safety person would recommend eating it. Too many details are missing.

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Rotisserie chicken should not be left out of the refrigerator longer than two hours.

Is it safe to eat cooked refrigerated chicken off the bone?

If the chicken was originally cooked completely (no pink or bloody tissue remained) and it has been stored properly (refrigerated since cooking, not left sitting out on the counter) it is safe.