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Q: What is the name of the pony that was with the fellowship until moria?
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What is the of pony that was with the fellowship until moria?

The pony was named Bill after Bill Ferny from Bree.

What is the name of the pony that was with thefellowship until moria?


What is the name of the pony that was with The Fellowship of the Ring until Moria?

That pony was Bill, purchased from Bill Ferny in Bree by the hobbits.the answer is bill.

What creature took Gandalf to Moria?

Gandalf travelled with the rest of the Fellowship. There was a pony they had bought in Bree, but it was uses as a pack animal, and they had to release it before entering the mines of Moria. A great Eagle carried him from the mountain peaks above Moria after he defeated the Balrog and went through some changes.

What is the actors name of the innkeeper in lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring?

The innkeeper of the Prancing Pony in Bree is Barliman Butterbur, latest in a long line of Butterbur innkeepers.

Where do the shetland pony get its name?

it comes from shetland and is a pony

What is the name of a horse that is under 14.22 hands?

A pony

What is the smallest horse's name?

The smallest breed of horse is a Miniature pony and the name of the smallest pony is called Einstein

What is the name of the heroine in the Pony Whisperer books?

The name of the heroine in the Pony Whisperer books is Pia.

What islands are north of Scotland and are the name of a pony?

Shetland Islands - Shetland pony.

What is the scientific name for a shetland pony?

a good name for a shetland pony is sheba which is from the Hebrew origin it means promise or oath.

Which is not the name of a My Little Pony and the options are Blossom Snuzzle Gin-Fizz and Applejack?

Gin Fizz is not a real pony's name.