

When are lambs born?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Lambs are usually born from 142 to 152 days after they have been bred. Most farms tend to breed in the fall, resulting in lambs born in the warmer spring months. However, it is possible to breed at any time, so lambs can be born virtually any time of the year. Spring, however, is the most common time, because of ideal weather conditions.

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13y ago

The "lambing season" is directly relevant ,like all mammals reproduction,to the time of mating.This only occurs naturally in the sheep world with the declining day light in the autumn.The reason being that, in the evolutionary world, the offspring would appear in the spring when the grass starts to grow in order to feed the mother ewe so milk production is maximised.The exception to this is the Dorset horn breed of sheep that is capable of breeding at any time of the year for reasons unknown.The gestation period of sheep is 147 days +/- 5 days.

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der is many lambs killed in da world. pretty soon there shall be no more lambs fer us people to kill. lambs feedzzz offa dope plantz and humans are takin it all. dis is depressing for the lambs so the other lambs go and cut themselves. this problem will never resolve itself. nor shall it ever be solved. the lambs live in the rain forest with the tigers. many of zee lambs are MEXICANNNN. ARIIIIIBA! ;)

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Yes, a sheep's babies (lambs) are born alive, as sheep are mammals.

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What are lambs related to?

Lambs are baby sheep. Thus lambs are "related" to sheep.

Are sheeps babies born lve?

Yes, a sheep's babies (lambs) are born alive, as sheep are mammals.

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New born lambs are rainbow colored! It depends on the colour of the parents and their breed - if both were white then the lambs are likely to be white, if either of the parents had coloured wool then it is possible that the lambs will have coloured wool.