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MANNITOL IS CARBON SOURCE & AZOTOBACTER can fix nitrogen non- symbiotically

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Q: Why is only mannitol used in ashby's mannitol broth?
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Related questions

What is broth made out of?

Broth is traditionally made by simmering meat in water, often with vegetables and herbs. This flavored liquid is then used for a variety of culinary purposes. In the past, the term β€œbroth” was only used to refer to meat-based liquids. Today, however, vegetable broth has become very common. Australian Bone Broth

Can mannitol be used for stroke patient withdiabetes milletus?

Mannitol cannot be used for a stroke patient with diabetes mellitus. Mannitol is generally prescribed for the treatment of conditions that give rise to excess body water, such as certain kidney conditions. It may also be prescribed to reduce swelling in the brain.

Mannitol is considered to be an?

Mannitol (manna sugar) is a white, crystalline solid with the chemical formula C6H8(OH)6. It can be used as a osmotic diuretic.

Can chicken broth cause salmonella?

Yes, if the chicken used in the broth has salmonella, then it is possible that the broth will have it as well.

What is the antidote for Lasix?

Mannitol is used to treat edema. People that suffer the side effect of anaphylaxis shock can use the antidote of epinephrine to counteract the Mannitol.

Is broth has agar?

no, broth stands for liquid and agar is used as solidifying agent so broth is not containig agar.

Why is only LB broth used for molecular biology work?

An LB medium isn't the only medium used in microbiology; it depends on the microbe and what the microbiologist is trying to achieve. But for general growth of bacteria (usually E. coli), the LB broth is most commonly used because the nutrients allow for optimal growth.

Which agar and broth used for bacillus cereus for cultivation?

Polymyxin B is the agar and broth that is used for bacillus cereus for cultivation.

What is YEMA media and why it is used in experiment?

YEMA is Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar. It is usually used for isolation of rhizobium.

What is mannitol therapy?

Mannitol is used to treat cerebral edema (swelling of brain cells - this does not make you smart, this makes you have coma). Mannitol has the ability to increase plasma osmolality but cannot pass through cell membrane. When plasma ormolality is higher than the cell osmolality due to Mannitol in plasma, the cell tries to balance it by letting water pass through cell membrane into plasma. This reduces edema.

When should a broth culture be used?

Broth culture is used when u have to enamurate the microbial population as it can be done by cell counting by counter coulter or any other method, or can be done by measuring the turbidity of broth after regular interval with the help of spectrophotometer.

Is brovil considered a broth?

Bovril is considered more of a meat extract than a broth. Bovril can be used to flavor soup.