

Best Answer

An antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another:

  1. in, out
  2. up, down
  3. left, right
  4. stop, go
  5. tall, short
  6. true, false
  7. girl, boy
  8. man woman
  9. big, little
  10. happy sad
  11. skinny fat
  12. long short
  13. old young
  14. old new
  15. rich poor
  16. first last
  17. private public
  18. win lose
  19. victory defeat
  20. easy difficult
  21. work play
  22. heavy light
  23. meek bold
  24. hard soft
  25. smooth rough
  26. cruel kind
  27. healthy sick
  28. fantasy reality
  29. fast slow
  30. narrow wide
  31. early late
  32. stingy generous
  33. life death
  34. high low
  35. above below
  36. quiet loud
  37. yell whisper
  38. guilty innocent
  39. calm nervous
  40. holy profane
  41. humorous serious
  42. smart dumb
  43. arrogant humble
  44. city, country
  45. foreign, domestic
  46. tame wild
  47. worthless valuable
  48. cheap, expensive
  49. weak strong
  50. rookie veteran
  51. dull shiny
  52. sharp dull
  53. fancy plain
  54. clean dirty
  55. beginning ending
  56. start finish
  57. crooked straight
  58. common rare
  59. hungry satisfied
  60. laugh cry
  61. smile frown
  62. sour sweet
  63. spicy bland
  64. round flat
  65. captivity freedom
  66. ugly beautiful
  67. float sink
  68. far near
  69. top bottom
  70. male female
  71. obvious subtle
  72. classic trendy
  73. positive negative
  74. front back
  75. capable incompetent
  76. harmony discord
  77. war peace
  78. love hate
  79. east west
  80. north south
  81. all none
  82. rigid flexible
  83. pleasure pain
  84. cramped spacious
  85. empty full
  86. maximum minimum
  87. absent present
  88. floor ceiling
  89. gloomy cheerful
  90. good evil
  91. massive minuscule
  92. yes no
  93. give receive
  94. hero villain
  95. abstract concrete
  96. shallow deep
  97. push pull
  98. open closed
  99. hot cold
  100. bravery cowardice
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give atleast 20 examples of antonyms

Can you give me 100 examples of antonyms?

To find antonyms and synonyms of words use a thesaurus. There are many online. In addition most good word processing programs have them built in. Lots of dictionaries also provide them.

Examples of antonyms that are related in math?

The Exmaples of Antonyms related in Math is: . . . Plus-Minus . . . . :)

What are eighty examples of synonyms and antonyms?


What is Antonym in semantics and types and examples coz i want to make a search about it?

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. There are three main types of antonyms: gradable antonyms (e.g. hot/cold), complementary antonyms (e.g. alive/dead), and relational antonyms (e.g. parent/child). Examples include heavy/light, happy/sad, and buy/sell.

What are so examples OS antonyms?

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Some examples are large and small, old and new, near and far, and old and young.

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Some examples of synonyms and antonyms?

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