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I would suggest walking and lots of it. If possible up and down a stairs it has worked for a few friends of mine. Hopefully it will work for you. An old wives tale is to scrub the kitchen floor. I don't suggest you actually do it but crawling on all fours might help. You have probably had the baby by now but this answer might be useful for someone else.

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Why would you try to speed up a birth that isn't even past the due date yet? Let nature take it's will go into labor when the baby and your body are ready. Trying to speed things up is unnecessary and, depending on what you try, can be dangerous. And for God's sake, don't drink castor oil. Not only will it not speed up/induce labor, but you'll be on the toilet in horrible pain for hours. The baby doesn't need to have you depleting his/her nutrients. I remember being that far along and wondering (even tho I wasn't overdue) if I was going to be pregnant forever. The fact is that you won't be.

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Q: What can you do to start labor if you're 39 weeks and 4cm dilated and 90 percent effaced and you've had a few contractions 5 minutes apart but they stopped and castor oil and sex didn't work?
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If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck

Is it okay to take a bath being 2 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced?

yes you can still do that.

1 cm dilated 100 percent effaced and baby is fully engaged How much longer do you have?

There is no way to accurately predict when you will have your baby

I am 3Cms dilated 90 percent effaced and baby is at 0 pelvic soon could labor start?

Any moment now.

What does it mean if you are 50 percent effaced and not dilated?

50% is out of 100% which means your cervix is paper thin. Once your cervix is dialated to 10cm & your 100% effaced baby is ready to be born. How long it could be in this position, depends on your body.

1 cm dilated 80 percent effaced -1?

This means your cervix is open 1 cm (you need to dilate to 10 cms to birth the baby). Your cervix is 80% effaced which means it is getting very thin -- you need to be 100% effaced. -1 refers to where baby is in relation to the coccyx (tailbone or "spines"). There are "stations" for baby's position. To give birth, you need to be 10cms dilated, 100% effaced and baby needs to be at at least +2 station.

What does it mean when the doctors says 2 cm and 30 percent effaced?

it mean that person not in the stage of disease which shows symptoms but he has organisms in body which cause disease. if the number of microorganism is increased 40 percent, it shows symptoms OR, it could apply to the childbirth process. Basically how much the cervical opening has pulled back or thinned. But this is also tied to how much the cervix has dilated, or opened up to allow the child to be born. Fully dilated is 10 cm.

You are 36 weeks and 3 days and dilated to 2 cm and bout 75 percent effaced how long till you have the baby?

The baby will be here by the time you and everyone else reads this answer!

Am 37weeks and 2 days dilated 2-3 and 60 percent effaced what to induce labor to have baby tonight?

Try walking. Not sure if it will work or not. That's what I have always heard

You are 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant and 1 cm dilated and 60 percent effaced and at -3 how much longer do you have?

happy birthday mommy, less than a week

You are 5 centimeters dilated and 80 percent effaced how long can this go on?

you have your baby when you are ten centimeters dialated so your nearly 2 depending on how quick your contractions come you could have hours yet ....

Will labor be soon if you are 90 percent thinned?

Not necessarily. It's the dilation that is important, just as much as effacement. You will need to be 100% effaced plus 10 cm dilated in order to give birth.