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I had peacocks with my yellow lab mbuna and white top hera mbuna cichlid. they will tussle with each other periodically, but it should be fine so long as you have than 4 or 5 to help spread aggression.

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Q: Can Malawi peacock cichlids be kept in the same tank with Malawi mbnua cichlids?
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Should tiger barbs be kept with tetras and cichlids?

Yes they can. I have that mix and they are all doing great.

What fish can be kept with cichlids?

This depends on what type of cichlids you're talking about. The cichlid family is huge and the fish in it range from 2cm to 90cm long. The only cichlids that are suitable for the general community tank are angelfish, apistogrammas and kribensis. None of these should be kept with fish less than 5cm long, and can be territorial and aggressive when breeding. You also need to pay careful attention to how many you put in a tank and whether they are male or female as they will fight if you get it wrong. However they are suitable tankmates for any fish that is large and confident enough to look after itself, such as barbs, livebearers or larger tetras. Smaller dwarf cichlids such as the shell dwellers (Neolamprologus) are not suitable for the community tank because they are too delicate and fussy. Larger cichlids are often unsuitable for the community tank because they will eat tankmates. Most cichlids grow to 15 or 20 cms and need large tanks. Cichlids from the African lakes (Malawi and Tanganyika) can be placed in communities of mixed species of cichlids. These tanks require a lot of maintenance and cleaning because they are usually overstocked to reduce aggression. You do need to be careful when stocking several species from the same genus (ie Aulonocara) in the same tank. They may hybridise and it is very hard (and irresponsible) to sell hybrid fry. You also need to do your research, as although most medium sized African cichlids can be kept in one large community there are some notable exceptions. They will also dig and are not suitable for planted tanks. There are some species that grow larger still. They are sometimes compatible with similarly large and aggressive cichlids if they are not kept with mating partners. If you have a pair of cichlids in the tank, they will see the tank as their breeding territory and may aggressively drive away any other fish. In the wild a pair of large cichlids will take up an area the size of a small room and while they may be perfectly happy and even breed in a much smaller aquarium, they will not tolerate the presence of other fish. Many large cichlids will, however, tolerate a large pleco in their tank. Some large cichlids (such as Uaru) are very pleasant natured and will not attack tankmates. However, they are large and clumsy and intimidating. Others will not eat tankmates but will aggressively chase them out of the way. Finally there are some fish that are just so antisocial and obnoxious you really can't keep them with anything else, unless you're thinking of a tank so large it would not be out of place in a public aquarium.

Can you have a domesticated peacock?

Peafowl (Peacock and Peahen) have been kept in captivity since the Ancients. Many estates still have semi domesticated peafowl.

What kind of creatures are Cichlids?

Cichlids are species of aquatic fish that are found diversely, in regards to various sizes and shapes. Generally they are ovate in shape and laterally slightly compressed commonly medium sized. Scientist have been able to describe at least 1650 species of Cichlids and yet to discover more making it one of the largest families in animal kingdom. They are kept in home aquariums as well.

Do Convict Chiclids need a heater?

Cichlids do generally require heaters. As a general rule of thumb, 76-80 degrees F is about where the water should be kept with as little fluctuation as possible.

How does a peacock adapt to it's environment?

The adaptations of a peacock for reproduction is that it has brightly cloured feathers which it uses it to attract the peahens. The crests on its head also help. A peacock has eyes at the side of its head to see all around.

Can your African chiclids live with your gourami?

99% of the African cichlids are very aggressive fish and will more than likely cause the untimely death of anyother type of fish (and usually same type) that you place within the confine of your aquarium. Also, one should note that PH levels differ between the two. While you can acclimate up and down with fish (Most African cichlids locally are kept PH 7.0 instead of recommended PH 8.2) not all will take the change in stride.

What happened to the Peacock Throne after Nadir Shah took it?

Nadir shah took the peacock throne to persia along with other treasures. He went on a campaign with kurbish tribesmen. He was assassinated and the throne was demolished by the tribesmen and the jewels taken away. It is now kept in museum.

What are 3 freshwatwer fish kept in an aquarium?

I have a 29-gallon tank, and I am thriving with 3 Buenos Aires Tetras, 1 Yellow Labido, and 2 Malawi Blue Dolphins.

Can you put south American cichlids and African cichlids in the same tank?

Yes! GSPs can be kept with African Cichlids but only can they be introduced together when both are young and in a big enough aquarium with lots of plants and decor. Both will learn to co exist together but keep them well fed. Be careful when choosing your Cichlids as some are not peaceful for example TEXAS CICHLIDS but fire mouths, jewels and malawis should be fine. GSPs are aggressive fish when mature so be aware and prepared that some tank mates could become dinner at any time. R.Martin Marine biologist.

Do you need pH chemicals for South American cichlids?

that depends on how delecate the species is and if you want to breed them or not. i have never kept cichlids, but i have never ajusted any pH all my species are very hardy and i dont try to breed them if the species is hardy and you dont want to breed them dont bother with the pH\ if you want to breed them then you have to or they wont breed if they arnt very hardy then i would use the chemicals

What pH should a tank have for Oscars?

6.5 to 8.3___________________ Oscars can be kept as said above in a wide range of PH, however they do best in a neutral PH as do most other South American Cichlids which Oscars are. (Neutral PH is 7.0)