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Hopefully. I'm 17, and I'm planning on moving to Floida from Alaska by myself and finishing high school there. Basicly, I'm moving at the end of this summer, so when I start school, I'll only be 17 for about 2 months. I've talked about it to my parents, and no matter how much they dissapprove, they realize they can't stop me. And holding me back those 2 months would only delay me academicly. With the job i have now, and the 3 I'm planning on working during the summer, I'll hopefully have enough to support myself for the first semester, and find a suitable place to live. Overall, I'm pretty excited and coming from another 17 year old moving out, I don't see anything holding you back (unless you JUST turned 17). If you can do it, the go. There are some low points too however: You'll have to pay for everything yourself, getting a job and finishing school are huge, and finding someone whos gonna take you seriously as a 17 year is definalty gonna be hard.

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17y ago

Dude move out.

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Q: Can a 17-year-old move out legally with parental permission?
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Can a 16 year old move out of her house without parental permission?

No, legally she cannot.

Can A 17 year old legally move out of the state of Georgia without parental consent?

No, you cannot legally move out. You must be 18 or have their permission.

Can you legally move out of your parents' house at the age of 17?

You can if you have parental permission or if you've been emancipated.

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Can a minor move out without that parents permission legally in New Mexico?

No, a minor cannot move without permission. They must have parental consent or a court order.

Can you legally move out in the state of Tennessee at the age of 17?

In Tennessee, you must be at least 18 years old to legally move out without parental consent. If you are 17 and wish to move out, you would typically need your parent or legal guardian's permission or need to be legally emancipated by the court.

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No, in Arizona a person must be 18 years old to move out without parental permission. Even with parental permission, a person under 18 is still considered a minor and may not legally live independently.

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No, not unless she gets married (which requires parental permission) or is emancipated.

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No. He can not legally move out without their permission until he is 18.

Can you legally move out if your parents house when your 17 in Iowa without parental consent?

Seventeen is not yet the age of adulthood in Iowa. You cannot move without parental permission.

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No, the age of emancipation is 18 so only if you have parental permission.

Can a 16 year old move out without being legally emancipated in Indiana?

With parental permission, yes.