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yes you can, a person is aloud and has the right to marrry whomever they want whether based on religion,age(if over 18),or even gender(depending on location)

Of Course, a Russian can marry an American citizen!! All that you need to take note is that of the law of both the countries. If the marriage is to happen in the US, then the American citizen needs to sponsor the fiancee to the US on a F-1 visa. Once the visa gets approved and the fiancee is in the US, next step is getting married within 90 days of entering. Once the marriage is legalized, the American citizen can then sponsor a green card for the fiancee.

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After the marriage, file an I-130 on their behalf.

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Q: What is the step by step process for a Russian citizen to marry an American citizen in America and to become an American citizen?
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all you have to do is make sure she has a visa to be in the united states and marry her once she is there. after that she will be allowed to stay in America as long as she needs to get through the naturalizatoin process.

Process of becoming an American citizen?


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Becoming a citizen is a component of a larger process of migrants in the american society

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Once a person from another nation marries a Canadian citizen, he or she becomes a permanent resident. The process takes approximately 50 days for the paperwork.

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Procedural due process is a right that is granted to every American citizen. This is the ability of every citizen to be given a fair and just trial for crimes they are accused of.

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If one were to think about moving from Europe to America, one would need to go through the process of legally becoming an American citizen and of obtaining a "green card".

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It is no longer automatic. The non-citizen has to go through the process like everyone else now.

What do you call a US citizen?

An American citizen is someone who was either born in the United States and/or its territories (such as Puerto Rico); or has parents who are US citizens (even if the child was born overseas, if the parents are citizens, so is their child); or is someone who legally emigrated to the United States and after living in the US for a certain amount of time (usually five years), follows the procedures for becoming what is called a "naturalized" American citizen.

What is the process of becoming an American citizen called?

Through the naturalization process citizenship can be gained in US.Immigration Form N-400 should be used and basic eligibility requirements to apply are that you need to be green card holder at least 18 years old and have physical residence in US for a minimum 5 years uninterrupted.

What does procedaral due process mean?

Procedural due process is a right that is granted to every American citizen. This is the ability of every citizen to be given a fair and just trial for crimes they are accused of.

Can a Russian citizen become a US citizen?

Yes, a Russian citizen can become a US citizen through a process called naturalization. This typically involves meeting eligibility requirements such as having a green card (permanent residency) for a specific period of time, demonstrating good moral character, passing an English and civics test, and going through a naturalization interview. Each case is unique, so it's best to consult with an immigration attorney for specific advice and guidance.

Is it worth moving to America from UK to work for the FBI although you know it will be a long process but its genuinely what you really want to do and Would it be possible?

You have to be an American citizen Best to email FBI HQ to see if you are eligible for the position you are seeking