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Q: Can an depo shot cause an ectopic pregnancy if the pregnancy is too early to tell?
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Can the depo shot cause pregnancy symptoms?

The Depo anti pregnancy shot may cause several pregnancy symptoms. One of these is a lightened or completely removed menstrual cycle, this is because Depo tricks the body into believing it's already pregnant. A pregnancy test should be done to make sure, however.

Will Depo-Provera cause chemical pregnancy?

No, Depo Provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. If you're pregnant, it's because the sperm and egg met. Depo Provera does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, so if you have a positive test, you are pregnant.

Does depo-provera regulate ovulation?

Depo provera is meant to prevent ovulation to prevent pregnancy. It does not cause regular ovulation.

Can Depo-Provera leave your system early making the chance of pregnancy greater?


How do you know when you have ectopic pregnancy?

Ruling out ectopic pregnancy is no different with or without Depo Provera. First, the pregnancy test is positive. Second, there is a pelvic mass, or abnormal ultrasound, or abnormal change in hCG levels. Contact your health care provider if you think you may be having a tubal pregnancy, as you cannot diagnose this condition at home.

Can Depo-Provera cause preterm labor and other side affects?

Depo Provera isn't used during pregnancy. There is no report of increased risk of preterm labor in pregnant women who used Depo Provera versus those who have not.

Can you be on depo shot and have a uti and be pregnant?

Yes. Depo does not prevent UTIs. However, pregnancy is very unlikely on Depo.

How do you differentiate between Depo side effects and pregnancy symptoms?

DEPO side effects will clear up within 2-3 months while pregnancy symptoms will continue. If you suspect you may be pregnant you need to have a blood test. Both cause an absence of menstruation, most women will have no menses the entire time they are on Depo (after the first few months of spotting/irregular bleeding). With pregnancy you will have nausea and breast tenderness, which are not usually present while on Depo.

Can Depo-Provera terminate pregnancy?

No, but it shouldn't be used during pregnancy....

Are you pregnant you have headach everyday and im on depo?

Headache is not a sign of pregnancy. Depo is a highly effective method. If you think you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Does the depo shot fertile you?

Depo provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. it is not meant to make it easier to get pregnant.

Is it easier to get pregnant when you stop taking the depo vera shot?

Depo Provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. When you stop, you don't have pregnancy protection. There is no special "fertility boost" immediately after stopping depo provera.