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i doubt it. as she is illegal, there's no record of her being in the country. thus, she doesn't exist in the country and she cant go to court without someone else papers or a fake identification.

Actually, child support does not request evidence of being here legally to open a case. They get 15% in federal matching funds on all child support paid. In this economy, they are not going to pass up every possible case to open.

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Q: Can illegal immigrant mom sue illegal resident father for child support?
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We would like to help you with the best answer we can give, but we do need more information. Is the father an illegal immigrant and does is he in contact with the child? Thank you

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Yes, they probably wouldn't know that your illegal.

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The CitiZen Chil will be adopted by Federal / State

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You cannot force the father to marry you just because he got you pregnant. You can however have the court order him to take a paternity test to prove he is the father for child support issues. Good Luck!

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Check with the US Immigration office.

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well the question of the daay would be are they married????