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Theologians have sought for two thousand years just to prove that God exists, a prerequisite for any proof that God created man. If we can not prove that God exists, we certainly can not prove that he created us.Man fills a niche in nature, but our ability to make the complex sounds necessary for speech does not prove that we are divine, or that we were created in the image of a God.
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Yes, from a biblical perspective as it is written plainly in both Testaments - we are created in God's image and likeness having a tremendous mind and imagination able to think and reason. Generally speaking, however, because God is spirit which cannot be detected or measured by physical means, the scientific community takes the position that God does not exist, therefore He has not created anything.

The question above is preceded by an age old argument 'Does God Exists?' Today, advances in the scientific fields of Biology, genetics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and many other major disciplines have come to realize the extreme order and precision of our universe - macro and micro - and that it just couldn't be fortuitous or lucky accidents. Laws are definitely in place of this amazing design with our Earth is in just the right position - anthropic principle or 'Law of Human Existence:'

"Suffice it to say that, if we could play God, and select values for these quantities at whim by twiddling a set of knobs, we would find that almost all knob settings would render the universe uninhabitable. In some cases it seems as if the different knobs have to be fine-tuned to enormous precision if the universe is to be such that life will flourish" ( The Mind of God: The Scientific Basis for a Rational World, 1992, pp. 199-200, emphasis added).

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The point of God existing is the fact that humans are supposed to follow him. We were not created to question his authority, so we must simply believe. So to answer your question, yes, I can prove God exists. Read your Bible.

At heart, most are agnostic in mindset, meaning the belief it is impossible to prove the existence or the non-existence of God(s) or other supernatural deities. In a religious sense, many religions do believe in the existence of a God, but none have been able to solidly prove it to be so to those that are not in line with their own religion.

Answer 2

DNA is absolute proof of a Supreme Intelligent Being, God, because:

(1) The DNA molecule is a software medium (like a disc or USB drive) which contains a very sophisticated quaternary digitally-coded language which blows away any software made by man.

Bill Gates: "DNA is like a software program, only much more complex than anything we've ever devised."

(2) This digitally-coded language, if written out on paper, would be a 100,000,000 page manual, in every cell of our body. We don't get languages without a communicator, or instruction manuals without an 'instructor'. There are NO KNOWN EXAMPLES, anywhere, of a set of instructions without an instructor nor a language without a communicator.

(3) Since such detail has been placed into every cell of our body, this shows an intimate care and knowledge of each one of us. Who else knows us right down to each and every cell? Not even ourselves!

(7) We all have common knowledge of moral laws: Do not lie, steal or kill. These are universal, even among nonbelievers, which shows us our Master Coder is a moral being. In fact, all of nature proclaims a Supreme Intelligence. This is why even diehard skeptics today have renounced their atheism in favor of an Intelligent Designer: Antony Flew (ex-atheist): "What I think the DNA material has done is show us that intelligence MUST have been involved..."

This is also why many famous scientists studied nature and came to the conclusion that God made the world:

Albert Einstein: " Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced a SPIRIT is manifest in the laws of the universe - a Spirit VASTLY SUPERIOR TO THAT OF MAN."

Isaac newton: "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an Intelligent and Powerful Being."

Louis Pasteur: "The more I study nature, the more I stand in amazement at the work of the Creator."

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10y ago

Proving a negative is seen as very difficult - you have to look under every stone and argument to see what is there. In addition the questioners always comes up with a twist or other thought when pinned down by a good answer.

The easiest way to disprove the existence of god(s) for any particular questioner is to ask what proof they have found to be sufficient to disprove the existence of Zeus, Santa Claus, house gnomes, and the monster under their bed.

This same level of proof should be sufficient to disprove their position on any other deity. So repeat their arguments back to them substituting the name of the deity you are arguing against.

It is also useful to find if they are willing to accept the "no God" side under any condition - even if you produce the perfect argument or conclusion. They usually think that you would accept the "Yes" side eventually, based on their proof. If they aren't willing to accept the possibility of defeat the argument is of the "Heads I win - tails you lose" variety. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Job 33:4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. You Must remember,man was made first Spirit, then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul

The arguments brought up on the "Yes there is" side are often those from the List of Fallacious arguments (Link). Review these to see where the errors in logic are.

AnswerProving the non existence of a person would normally relate to personal dealings and to records left by that person, even though, in this case there is the supernatural. The details of the Bible which claims supernatural connections has to be completely explained away successfully and reasonably, including accurate predictive prophecy hundreds of years in some cases before the event.

Having a presupposition or belief that the supernatural does not exist is a person belief and not a proof. People disbelieve all kinds of things which are fact.

God could definitively be proven to not exist if a person could know everything which had happened in all places throughout time. However, if that were the case such an individual would then possess characteristics attributed to God and so God would then exist as it would be that all-knowing person.

Finding alleged errors in logic regarding God's existence, without examining one's own errors in logic, including circular reasoning (assuming God does not exist and then allegedly proving He doesn't) proves precisely nothing.

AnswerAssuming a god exists and then arguing it does is also circular logic.

Disproving a negative is, as the first poster points out, pretty much impossible.

Can you prove that there isn't an invisible man reading this over your shoulder? Can you prove that there isn't a ghost in your house? Can you prove that you're not in the middle of a huge computer simulation and everyone else isn't actually real? Can you prove that Zeus does not exist? Thor? Anansi, the prankster spider god?

You can disprove none of those things, and neither can anybody else.

You would expect anyone making such a claim to back it up with some evidence and some logical reasoning.

No religion has ever done this. No compelling evidence has ever been presented, and (to my knowledge) no logical arguments have been made in favour of religion.

So no: nobody can disprove the existence of any god. But gods have no more evidence in their favour than pixies, invisible men behind me, ghosts in my closet, that Anansi moved my car keys as a silly joke, or any other of the millions of zany ideas which people offer up all the time.

AnswerIf you can know all things that have happened everywhere for all of time then you could do it. AnswerHere is yet another answer. Well it answers the question of can you prove that God does exist. I keep having to copy and paste and copy and paste to get the message around that GOD DOES EXIST. Don't worry I didn't plagerize, I wrote (typed) every word of it. It just gets tiring of having to say the same things over and over again.

Yes you can. Well, maybe you as in you can't but a scientist has. He searched and searched for some information that would prove that God did not exist. But instead he found no information whatsoever other than we would not be here if it weren't for God because if we evolved, what made the thing we evolved from?

AnswerThe above can be refuted both quickly and easily: if god exists, then who made god? By its own logic, the argument is defeated. It is also refuted by evolutionary theory, but that answer would be longer. AnswerSee links below. Answer

There are tens of proofs for God's existence. These have been recorded for centuries and are easy to look up. However, this subject is ultimately one of personal belief, since our possession of free-will mandates that it is possible to put forth arguments (fallacious or not) against every one of the proofs.

Here are a few:

Teleological Argument; the argument from design: The universe has definite design, order, and arrangement which cannot be sufficiently explained outside a theistic worldview. From the complexities of the human eye to the order and arrangement of cosmology, the voice of God is heard. God's existence is the best explanation for such design. God is the undesigned designer.

Anthropic Principle: The laws of the universe seem to have been set in such a way that stars, planets and life can exist. Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.

Sensus divinitatus: The innate sense of the divine exists within all people. People, societies, and cultures of all time have been, by nature, those who sense a need to worship something greater than themselves. No ancient society ever existed that did not believe in a supernatural power.

Tradition: There are events in human history which cannot be explained outside of the existence of God. Many people have their subjective stories that bend them in the direction of theism, but there are also historical events such as the Giving of the Torah, which are underpinnings for the belief in God.

Pascal's Wager: Belief in God is the most rational choice due to the consequences of being wrong. If one were to believe in God and be wrong, there would be no consequences. However, if one were to deny God and be wrong, the consequences are eternally tragic. Therefore, the most rational choice is not agnosticism or atheism, but belief in God.

All of reality: Why is there something rather than nothing? There are only six options:

1. The universe is eternal and everything has always existed.

- Even atheists have abandoned this possibility, especially because it would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

2. Nothing exists and all is an illusion. There is no reality. There is notsomething. There is only nothing.

- This possibility, it should be obvious, is completely self-defeating. In order to even make such a proposition, the subject has to exist in some sense. If all is an illusion, where did the illusion come from? Even the solipsist, who does not believe in the existence of other minds, has to explain the genesis of his own mind.

3. The universe created itself. This is the idea that the universe and all that is in it did not have its origin in something outside itself, but from within.

- Like with the previous two, we have created a logical absurdity. It would be like creating a square triangle. It's impossible. A triangle by definition cannot be square. So creation cannot create itself as it would have to pre-date itself to create. The pre-dated form would then need a sufficient explanatory cause, ad infinitum.

4. Chance created the universe. While the odds of winning the lottery are not very good, given enough time, everyone will win. While the odds of the universe coming into existence are not very good, given enough time, it could happen.

- This option is a sleight of hand that, like "survival of the fittest," amounts to nothing, because it implies that "chance" itself has quantitative causal power. The word "chance" is used to describe possibilities. It does not have the power to cause those possibilities. It is nonsense to speak of chance being the agent of creation of anything since chance is not an agent.

"Sophisticated arguments of chance creation have been formulated which dazzle our mathematical comprehension… What are the real chances of the universe created by chance? Not a chance. Chance is incapable of creating a single molecule, let alone an entire universe. Why not? Chance is no thing. It is not an entity. It has no being, no power, no force. It can effect nothing because it has no causal power within it. …It is a word which describes mathematical possibilities which, by the curious flip of the fallacy of ambiguity, slips into the discussion as if it were a real entity with real power, indeed, supreme power, the power of creativity." (R.C. Sproul, Not a Chance. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999.)

5. The universe is created by nothing. Simply put, nothing created the universe.

- The problem here is that it is either a restating of option #1 (the universe is eternal) or fails due to the irrationality of #4. In our current universe, the law of cause and effect cannot be denied by sane people. While we often don't know what the cause of some effect is, this does not mean that there was no cause. When we go to the doctor looking for an explanation for the cause of our neck pain, we don't accept the answer "There is no cause. It came from nothing." We would assume that the person who gave such an answer is better fit for a straight-jacket than a respected professional of his/her field.

There is an old saying, "ex nihilo nihil fit," which means "Out of nothing, nothing comes." To say that the universe was created by or came from nothing is an absurdity. Like with the idea of chance, "nothing" is a non being with no causal power. If there is something, there must be a sufficient explanation for it.

6. A transcendent being (God) created all that there is, from nothing.

This is the last option that I know of. Here we recognize the impossibility of the first five. Realizing that the universe must have come into existence a finite time ago, we know that there must be a sufficient cause. This cause must be transcendent to (above, beyond) the universe. This causal agency must be all-powerful, or else the grandeur of the effect would eclipse the grandeur of the cause.

This creator had to have created all things ex nihilo (out of nothing). In other words, all of matter could not be eternal since material itself is, by definition, not transcendent and is subject to the law of cause and effect. This creator, being transcendent to the laws of our universe in which the saying "out of nothing nothing comes" applies, must create time, space, and matter out of neither himself or preexisting material. He creates it all out of nothing. He brings all of existence into being by his power. While it is beyond our understanding how transcendence can create immanence, it does not form a logical absurdity. In fact, existence itself demands that it is a logical necessity.

All the other options are self-defeating, formally absurd, and irrational. In short, the only logical explanation for existence is that a transcendent, powerful, and personal being (i.e. God) created all that there is out of nothing.

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10y ago

No. 'God' is by definition outside the scope of natural inquiry. Moreover, absolute proof is not possible except in mathematics and logic. Since deities are thought to be more than just a mathematical possibility, there is no way to prove the existence or nonexistence of any deity.


Theists confidently state the omnipotence of their God. Proof requires that the subject under investigation, in this case the god, be controlled by the tests being done so that a definite conclusion can be drawn. If the god under investigation is subject to the testers control he cannot be omnipotent. Therefore the subject being tested cannot be the God they worship.


yes, it is called intelligent design.


There are tens of proofs for God's existence. These have been recorded for centuries and are easy to look up. However, this subject is ultimately one of personal belief, since our possession of free-will mandates that it be possible to put forth arguments (fallacious or not) against every one of the proofs.

Here are a few:

1) Teleological Argument: The universe has definite design, order, and arrangement which cannot be sufficiently explained outside a theistic worldview. From the complexities of the human eye to the order and arrangement of cosmology, the voice of God is heard. God's existence is the best explanation for such design. God is the designer.

2) Anthropic Principle: The laws of the universe seem to have been set in such a way that stars, planets and life can exist. Many constants of nature appear to be finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.

3) Sensus divinitatus: The innate sense of the divine exists within all people. People and cultures of all time have, by nature, sensed a need to worship something greater than themselves. No ancient society ever existed that did not believe in a supernatural power.

4) Tradition: There are events in human history which cannot be explained without God. Many people have their subjective stories that bend them in the direction of theism, but there are also historical events such as the Giving of the Torah, which are underpinnings for the belief in God.

5) Pascal's Wager: Belief in God is the most rational choice due to the consequences of being wrong. If one were to believe in God and be wrong, there would be no consequences. However, if one were to deny God and be wrong, the consequences are eternally tragic. Therefore, the most rational choice is not agnosticism or Atheism, but belief in God.

6) Why is there reality rather than nothing? Aside from God's creating it, there are only five options:

a) The universe is eternal and everything has always existed.

- Even atheists have abandoned this possibility, especially because it would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

b) Nothing exists and all is an illusion. There is no reality. There is only nothing.

- This possibility, it should be obvious, is completely self-defeating. In order to even make such a proposition, the subject has to exist in some sense. If all is an illusion, where did the illusion come from? Even the solipsist, who does not believe in the existence of other minds, has to explain the genesis of his own mind.

c). The universe created itself. This is the idea that the universe and all that is in it did not have its origin in something outside itself, but from within.

- Like with the previous two, this makes a logical absurdity. It would be like creating a square triangle. It's impossible. A triangle by definition cannot be square. So creation cannot create itself as it would have to pre-date itself to create. The pre-dated form would then need a sufficient explanatory cause, ad infinitum.

d) Chance created the universe. The odds of winning the lottery are not very good; but given enough time, everyone will win. While the odds of the universe coming into existence are not very good, given enough time, it could happen.

- This option is a sleight of hand that, like "survival of the fittest," amounts to nothing, because it implies that "chance" itself has quantitative causal power.

The word "chance" is used to describe possibilities. It does not have the power to cause those possibilities. It is nonsense to speak of chance being the agent of creation of anything, since chance is not an agent. "What are the real chances of the universe created by chance? Not a chance. Chance is incapable of creating a single molecule, let alone an entire universe. Why not? Chance is no thing. It is not an entity. It has no being, no power, no force. It can effect nothing because it has no causal power within it. It is a word which describes mathematical possibilities which, by the curious flip of the fallacy of ambiguity, slips into the discussion as if it were a real entity with real power, the power of creativity." (R.C. Sproul, Not a Chance. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999.)

e) The universe is created by nothing. Simply put, nothing created the universe.

- The problem here is that it is either a restating of option "a" (the universe is eternal) or fails due to the irrationality of "d". In our current universe, the law of cause and effect cannot be denied by sane people. While we often don't know what the cause of some effect is, this does not mean that there was no cause. When we go to the doctor looking for an explanation for the cause of our neck pain, we don't accept the answer "There is no cause. It came from nothing."

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13y ago

YES! because ask yourself this question, ''who formed god,who created god''

But that is a question that cannot be answered by human race!

Then if someone says No well then who made us!!!!!!...

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8y ago

You are here. Do you really think that Boom! the world was created? You're a miracle! We didn't evolve from creatures or whatever. You're here! You're a miracle!

Another view

No one can prove that a god or gods exist.

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9y ago

Theologians have sought for two thousand years just to prove that God exists, a prerequisite for any proof that God created man. If we can not prove that God exists, we certainly can not prove that he created us.Man fills a niche in nature, but our ability to make the complex sounds necessary for speech does not prove that we are divine, or that we were created in the image of a God.
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9y ago

Yes, from a biblical perspective as it is written plainly in both Testaments - we are created in God's image and likeness having a tremendous mind and imagination able to think and reason. Generally speaking, however, because God is spirit which cannot be detected or measured by physical means, the scientific community takes the position that God does not exist, therefore He has not created anything.

The question above is preceded by an age old argument 'Does God Exists?' Today, advances in the scientific fields of biology, genetics, physics, chemistry, astronomy and many other major disciplines have come to realize the extreme order and precision of our universe - macro and micro - and that it just couldn't be fortuitous or lucky accidents. Laws are definitely in place of this amazing design with our Earth is in just the right position - anthropic principle or 'Law of Human Existence:'

"Suffice it to say that, if we could play God, and select values for these quantities at whim by twiddling a set of knobs, we would find that almost all knob settings would render the universe uninhabitable. In some cases it seems as if the different knobs have to be fine-tuned to enormous precision if the universe is to be such that life will flourish" ( The Mind of God: The Scientific Basis for a Rational World, 1992, pp. 199-200, emphasis added).

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9y ago

There are tens of proofs for God's existence. These have been recorded for centuries and are easy to look up. However, this subject ultimately becomes one of personal belief, since our possession of free-will mandates that it be possible to put forth arguments (fallacious or not) against every one of the proofs.
Here are a few.
1) Teleological Argument: The universe has definite design, order, and arrangement which cannot be sufficiently explained outside a theistic worldview. (This is how Abraham, without benefit of teachers, came to reject the chaotic world-view of idolatry and the possibility of atheism.) From the complexities of the human eye to the order and arrangement of cosmology, the voice of God is heard. God's existence is the best explanation for such design. God is the designer.Is there evidence against Evolution

God's wisdom seen in His creations

More about God's wisdom

2) Anthropic Principle: The laws of the universe seem to have been set in such a way that stars, planets and life can exist. Many constants of nature appear to be finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.

3) Sensus divinitatus: The innate sense of the divine exists within all people. People and cultures of all time have, by instinct, sensed a need to worship something greater than themselves. No ancient society ever existed that did not believe in a supernatural power.

4) Tradition: There are events in human history which cannot be explained without God. Many people have their subjective stories that bend them in the direction of theism, but there are also historical events such as the Giving of the Torah to over two million people at Mount Sinai, which are underpinnings for the belief in God.

5) Pascal's Wager: Belief in God is the most rational choice due to the consequences of being wrong. If one were to believe in God and be wrong, there would be no consequences. However, if one were to deny God and be wrong, the consequences are eternally tragic. Therefore, the most rational choice is not agnosticism or atheism, but belief in God.

6) Logic. Why is there reality rather than nothing? Aside from God's creating it, there are only five options:
a) The universe is eternal and everything has always existed.
- Even atheists have abandoned this possibility, especially because it would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

b) Nothing exists and all is an illusion. There is no reality; there is only nothing.
- This possibility, it should be obvious, is completely self-defeating. In order to even make such a proposition, the subject has to exist in some sense. If all is an illusion, where did the illusion come from? Even the solipsist, who does not believe in the existence of other minds, has to explain the genesis of his own mind.

c) The universe created itself. This is the idea that the universe and all that is in it did not have its origin in something outside itself, but from within.
- Like with the previous two, this makes a logical absurdity. It would be like creating a square triangle. It's impossible. A triangle by definition cannot be square. So creation cannot create itself as it would have to pre-date itself in order to create.

d) Chance created the universe. The odds of winning the lottery are not very good; but given eons of time, everyone will win. While the odds of the universe spontaneously appearing are not minuscule, could it happen, given enough time?

- This option is a dishonest sleight of hand that, like "survival of the fittest," amounts to nothing, because it implies that "chance" itself has quantitative causal power.
The word "chance" refers to possibilities. It does not have the power to cause those possibilities. It is nonsense to speak of chance being an agent of creation, since chance is not a force. "What are the real chances of the universe being created by chance? Impossible. Chance is incapable of creating a single molecule, let alone an entire universe. Why not? Chance is no thing. It is not an entity. It has no being, no power, no force. It can effect nothing because it has no causal power within it. It is a word which describes mathematical possibilities which, by the curious flip of the fallacy of ambiguity, slips into the discussion as if it were a real entity with real power, the power of creativity." (R.C. Sproul, Not a Chance. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999.)

e) The universe is created by nothing. Simply put, nothing created the universe.
- The problem here is that it is either a repetition of option "a" (the universe is eternal) or fails due to the irrationality of "d." In our current universe, the law of cause and effect cannot be denied by sane people. While we often don't know what the cause of some effect is, this does not mean that there was no cause. When we go to the doctor looking for an explanation for the cause of our neck pain, we don't accept the answer "There is no cause. It came from nothing."

Now, the other side of the Question: why might people not believe in God?

1) Peer influence. In high school, for example, the one or two religious believers in a class may be subject to ridicule.

2) Convenience; desires. No one wants "bothersome" rules, or limitations to their personal pleasure. We see how lack of self-discipline has led to epidemic obesity, drunkenness, divorce rates, violence etc.

3) Lack of proper information. People have inaccurate notions about God, religion and belief. They've picked up tidbits, jokes, and "sound-bites," and on such solid authority they dismiss the entire topic.

4) Unfortunate experiences. Many have had personal hardships, or a harsh religious upbringing or education, and as a consequence may retain an unhappy feeling towards belief, without realizing that emotions and proofs are two different things.

5) Many think that science, and specifically Evolution, have proved that there is no God. They don't comprehend that even if Evolution was an unquestionable fact, it would not automatically follow that God isn't there. They also seem unaware that there are a significant number of highly-qualified scientists who do not believe in Evolution.

6) Intellectual laziness. Many people have simply never delved into the subject, to see if God's existence can be convincingly demonstrated.

7) Stereotyping. People call us "religious nuts," "Bible-thumpers," etc.; so the average layperson may get a negative feeling toward all belief, not realizing that he/she should first look into the existence of God in principle, before necessarily looking into religion.

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9y ago

I can not prove that God exists, but I can prove with a high degree of certainty that he does not exist.

Over the centuries, theologians have come up with a number of arguments in which they sought to prove that God exists, including the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the ontological argument. The mere fact that so many attempted proofs exist means that the creators of each argument saw the shortcomings in the other arguments. Wiliam H. Halverson (A Concise Introduction to Philosophy) says that the teleological argument is popularly regarded as the most persuasive of the traditional arguments for the existence of God, yet it is by far the weakest.

Blaise Pascal recognised the impossibility of proving God exists, so he devised 'Pascal's Wager'. He said that belief in God is the most rational choice due to the consequences of being wrong. This is not proof that God exists, but acknowledgement that he may not exist. Indeed, the argument can be reversed in some cases and used to argue for non-belief.

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