

H.G. Wells

H.G Wells is an English science-fiction writer who wrote notable works such as "The Time Machine" and "The War of the Worlds." In this category, there are questions regarding his works as well as Wells' life.

140 Questions

How does H.G wells use the environment in the time machine?

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H.G. Wells uses the environment in "The Time Machine" to create a sense of atmosphere and setting. The dystopian future world of the novel, with its decaying buildings and eerie darkness, reflects the social commentary on the consequences of unchecked progress and societal inequalities. The vivid descriptions of the landscapes also help to create a sense of tension and danger in the story.

How were men like Priestley George Bernard Shaw and HG Wells viewed?

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Men like Priestley, George Bernard Shaw, and HG Wells were viewed as influential writers and thinkers of their time, challenging contemporary social norms and advocating for change. They were seen as intellectuals who used their platform to critique society and provoke thought on political, social, and moral issues. Their works often pushed boundaries and sparked debate among their readers and critics.

Was HG Wells Naturalism writer shocked Theodore Roosevelt with his novel The Jungle?

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No, HG Wells did not write The Jungle; it was written by Upton Sinclair. Theodore Roosevelt was not shocked by The Jungle specifically, but he was influenced by its depiction of working conditions in the meatpacking industry and supported some of the reforms it helped bring about.

When was HG Wells' mother Sarah Neal born and when did she die?

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Sarah Neal was born in 1815 and she passed away in 1893.

What does the G stand for in Warehouse Thirteen for the character HG Wells?

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Asked by Albertedison98

The "G" in Warehouse 13 for the character HG Wells stands for "Godwin," as her full name is Helena G. Wells. She is a fictional version of the real-life writer H.G. Wells in the TV series.

What is h g wells legacy?

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H.G. Wells' legacy includes pioneering the science fiction genre with classics such as "The War of the Worlds" and "The Time Machine". He also popularized concepts like time travel and alien invasions that have become staples in modern science fiction. Wells' work continues to inspire and influence writers, filmmakers, and scientists to this day.

What is the moral of HG Wells The Invisible Man?

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The moral of "The Invisible Man" by HG Wells can be interpreted as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of trying to control and dominate others. It also explores themes of isolation and the struggle for power.

What is the place setting for the diamond maker?

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Asked by Sriley312

The place setting for the diamond maker is the market. It is essential for the diamond maker to understand consumer preferences, market trends, and competition to create diamonds that meet market demands. By being aware of the market dynamics, the diamond maker can strategize production and pricing effectively.

How did TH Huxley influence HG Wells?

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Thomas Henry Huxley influenced H.G. Wells by encouraging him to pursue his interest in science and intellectual inquiry. Huxley's support and mentorship helped shape Wells' thinking and writing on science and evolution, leading to the incorporation of scientific principles in Wells' works of fiction and social commentary. Wells was inspired by Huxley's advocacy of Darwinian evolution and scientific rationalism, which influenced the themes and ideas in Wells' writing.

Who wrote about Mr Darcy's Pemberley?

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Mr. Darcy's Pemberley is a fictional estate in Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice." In the novel, Elizabeth Bennet visits Pemberley and is impressed by its grandeur and beauty. Austen uses Pemberley as a symbol of Darcy's wealth, status, and transformation into a more likable character.

How long is The Time Machine book?

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"The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells is a novella, which means it is relatively short. It typically contains around 30,000 to 40,000 words, depending on the edition.

What creatures live above ground in H.G. Wells The Time Machine?

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In H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine," the creatures that live above ground are the Eloi, who are peaceful and childlike, and the Morlocks, who are mysterious and sinister. The Eloi live above ground in harmony, while the Morlocks live underground and come to the surface at night.

Why did you like the novel time machine?

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I enjoyed "The Time Machine" because of its thought-provoking exploration of time travel and evolution. The way H.G. Wells envisioned the distant future and humanity's evolution was both imaginative and eerie. The novel's social commentary on class division and the consequences of scientific progress added depth to the story.

How does h.g.wells present a negative view on the future in ' the time machine'?

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H.G. Wells presents a negative view of the future in "The Time Machine" through his portrayal of the Eloi and Morlocks. The Eloi represent a decadent and weak future society, lacking in curiosity and drive, while the Morlocks symbolize technological and societal degradation. The division between these two groups highlights Wells' concerns about class struggle and the potential consequences of unchecked industrialization on society.

What book did you meet the eoli and the morlocks?

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The Eloi and the Morlocks are characters from the science fiction novel "The Time Machine" written by H.G. Wells. The Eloi are a peaceful, childlike species living on the surface, while the Morlocks are a subterranean and more sinister group. The protagonist of the story encounters both civilizations during his time-traveling adventures.

What did hg wells wright?

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H.G. Wells was a prolific British author known for his science fiction novels, including "The War of the Worlds" and "The Time Machine." Wells is considered one of the pioneers of the science fiction genre and his works often explored social and political themes of his time.

What are the cannibalistic beasts called in HG Wells book The Time Machine?

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The cannibalistic beasts in HG Wells' book "The Time Machine" are called Morlocks. They are a species that evolved underground in the distant future and prey on the Eloi, another species that lives above ground.

What influenced H G wells writing?

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cause he did

When did H G wells start school?

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H.G. Wells began attending Thomas Morley's Commercial Academy in 1880 at the age of 14. Wells later won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in London, which influenced his interest in science and laid the foundation for his future literary works.

What college did HG Wells attend?

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H.G. Wells attended the Normal School of Science in London, which is now part of Imperial College London. Wells did not complete his degree due to financial constraints and personal issues.

When does mr lamb die in the story on the face of it?

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Asked by Nik25hil

Mr. Lamb died when he was trying to pluck the crab apples to make jelly while he was on the ladder.He died in the end of the story when the ladder fell down taking Mr.Lamb with it.

What year was the book The Time Machine written?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Time Machine was first published in 1895 and later directly adapted into at least two theatrical films of the same name as well as at least one television and a large number of comic book adaptations. It also indirectly inspired many more works of fiction in all media. Considered by many to be one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, this 38,000 word novella describes time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term "time machine", coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to such a vehicle."

-- Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under subject "The Time Machine"

What types of stories did H.G Wells write?

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H.G. Wells wrote science fiction novels that explored themes such as time travel ("The Time Machine"), alien invasion ("The War of the Worlds"), and human evolution ("The Island of Dr. Moreau"). He is considered one of the pioneers of the science fiction genre.

What is H G Well's full name?

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H.G. Wells' full name is Herbert George Wells.

What did HG wells parents do for a living?

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H.G. Wells' parents were both shopkeepers. His father ran a small shop selling china and sporting goods, while his mother operated a small drapery business. Wells was born into a working-class family in England in 1866.