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This depends on where you live, laws vary. In most places, you can only shoot a burglar if you fear for your own life.

Sixteen states have adopted "Stand Your Ground" laws that allow an individual to use deadly force to protect a residence, place of business, vehicle or other property, so far Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia and Washington have enacted statutes.

The law states that an individual in self-defense "has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force,it also forbids the arrest, detention or prosecution of the shooters covered by the law, and it prohibits civil suits against them..

There are requirements that vary from state to state before deadly force can be used a few examples are:An intruder must be making or have made an attempt to unlawfully and/or forcibly enter an occupied home, business or car.

The occupant of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to inflict bodily harm or death upon an occupant of the home.

The occupant of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to commit some other felony, such as arson or burglary. The occupant of the home must not have provoked or instigated an intrusion, or provoked or instigated an intruder to threaten or use deadly force.

However deadly force is necessary in extreme cases since it is now legal in numerous states for a civilian to purchase non-lethal 12ga shotgun rounds such as bean bag rounds,rubber slugs rounds,rubber buck shot rounds.pepper blast rounds,ect. It would be more humane to take down an intruder with 3-5 shots of this type ammo,so that they could go to prison.....not to mention it may be hillarious

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You have a duty to retreat if possible.

* It also depend on the laws of your state,some states require you to try and escape and call police,some have strict laws on the use of deadly force,some will even arrest you and put you in prison for shooting an intruder even if you dont kill the intruder.....this of course robs the law abiding citizen of the ability and the right to protect that which they have worked hard to aquire....

And in some of the Good states you are not required to try and escape and call for help and you have the right to shoot and kill the intruder,in some states this applies not only to your home but to any other buildings on your property,and also can include any vehicles on your if a criminal is on your property breaking into your storage shed or your vehicle they can be shot and killed without warning...In the Best states these laws also carry over if your neighbor is not home and has asked you to look after their property while they are gone...

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Q: Can you shoot a intruder
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yes intruder - er is suffix

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