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Unemployment Insurance is for people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Due to the reason of your termination you will be scheduled for an adjudication interview where the employer and yourself will be contacted. If you threaten someone, you will be denied employment because it is something that the employer does not have the right to expect during your employment.

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Q: Can you still draw unemployment if you get fired for threat someone?
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Can you still get unemployment if you had a court case on you?

If you were fired for criminal misconduct it is likely that you will not get unemployment.

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You are still working at 67 if something happens to your job can you collect unemployment?

You can collect unemployment is you are fired from you job. You age doesn't matter when it comes to unemployment.

Fired due to falling asleep on the job can you draw unemployment?

In most cases, a person can not draw unemployment when they were fired for falling asleep. To draw unemployment, a person needs to be fired for doing the job incorrectly, or job performance. You should still file for benefits and see if you get approved.

Can you still receive unemployment if you were fired for stealing but not prosecuted?

No. You are not supposed to receive unemployment if you were fired "for cause," meaning you did something wrong. If you apply for unemployment, the employer has an opportunity to dispute your eligibility, in which case your application will be rejected. There is a chance the employer will not take that opportunity.

Are you eligible for unemployment in California if you are fired for theft on the job?

Probably not, as theft would be considered gross misconduct. But you can still try

Can you get unemployment if fired for attendance Georgia state?

Probably not. In order to be eligible to collect unemployment benefits you must meet a series of requirements, the main one of which is that you may not be fired (or lose your job at any fault of your own). Additionally, To qualify for unemployment insurance benefits, a worker must: * Have worked a certain number of weeks during the year * Have earned a certain amount of money in the past year * Be actively looking for work

I have been working for the past 3 yrs this year has been very bad for my health and I have missed a lot of work if they release me for missing time can I still get unemployment.?

Unfortunately, if you're fired, not laid off, you won't be able to apply for unemployment. If you think you're going to be fired then put in your two weeks notice and preempt them.

You have heard that you can draw unemployment for two years while you go to school full time Is this true?

I only know that on the continuation of benefits form (if you've filed for and been granted unemployment insurance) asks "Did you begin attending any school or training?" If you answer "yes", they'll set up a phone appointment to talk to you and see if you're still eligible. Maybe if you were already going to school when you got fired, you could still collect unemployment, but if you start after being fired, it seems questionable.

In New York State can you collect unemployment if you were hired to work 8 hours a day and get your hours cut back to 6 hours a day?

Were you fired? That's the only way to collect unemployment.

If my boss cut my hours and hired someone to take them can I file for unemployment for the hours taken away from me.?

No, you cannot collect unemployment since you are still employed, even if you have lost work hours.