

Why did Atlantis sink?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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Atlantis sank under the North Atlantic Ocean at around 1600 B.C. due to some natural disasters. But that's not all; Atlantis had a (supposed) hidden secret. Some say that it is a myth but others say it is the only TRUTH about Atlantis. It was believed that moments before the disappearance a common girl of an unknown was believed to have found a sacred stone (green in color) believed now to be closely described as called the Jade Stone. Only this one was very different from moderate and updated Jade stone. Its color was believed to have a color on it out of this world, one no human eye has ever seen. Somehow, when she touched it for the second time ["For the second day the sun may open the clouds, the clouds again"] the clouds opened and the city was destroyed by an object of which was as smooth and shapely as the sunrise.

Another view:There are those who also believe that 'Atlantis' and a lost Celtic kingdom are one and the same. Considering that the English Channel was formed when a giant natural dam broke (in much the same way that the seas around the islands of North Canada were formed), and that people were probably living on what is now sea-bed, this is entirely possible, and perhaps this legend of a land disappearing perpetuated itself throughout history. Answer:The answer lies in various different cultures legends and myths and can be pieced together to show one answer only that touches them all. It is unlikely that Plato's "Atlantis" was the island that sank in 1600 B.C., although an island about then did suffer an earthquake, and the legends over time have merged, but this alone does not fit the "continent" of size he described or the location.

The worldwide flood of 3000 B.C. described in the Hebrew Bible and other sources destroyed every continent on earth not just one.

According to the Hindu text the Bhagavad Gita, also about the same time there was one continent that was said to nearly dominate the whole world. This account describes a world war five thousand years ago between two advanced cultures, the ancestors of the Hindi called the Rama Empire and another group "bent" on total world domination. This group fits the description of ancient Atlantis.

This conflict resulted in a war so destructive it not only destroyed both armies completely, but started a chain of events that within a matter of days destroyed the entire world. A doomsday device was detonated, a planet killer so powerful, it came with a warning that translated "not to be used on a terrestrial foe". This also is from the Bhagavad Gita, "A single projectile charged with the "energy of the universe" exploded with the brilliance of a ten thousand suns". A battle in the Drona Parve section of the Mahabharata describes similar events.

The explosion threw the Earth off its axis 23 degrees and out of orbit slightly from 360 to 365 1/4 days. The upper atmospheric water canopy collapsed causing a worldwide flood which did cover every mountain on Earth. The world then was very advanced as it is today. Ships roamed the oceans, aircraft flew through the air, and even spacecraft were described in the Bhagavad Gita...but nothing survived.

This wasn't just a flood or a world-war. It was the intentional extermination of an entire planet. A single nuclear weapon so destructive it caused a polar shift with instant climate change and catastrophic violent weather outbreaks, and then a total worldwide flood covering everything with a layer of sediment and ice. When the waters receded, there was nothing left. Except for a single monument built to withstand the destruction, the Great Pyramid of Giza, nothing of the former world survived from the other side of the flood. This also explains how areas once a tropical paradise now lay under the ice at the South Pole. How a Woolly Mammoth discovered in northern Russia with green fern leaves still in its stomach was quick frozen.

While it is possible the Atlantis story may refer to some previous destruction about seven or eight thousand years further back in time (which left the Earth "formless and void" in Gen. chapter 1) there is even less of a chance of any real written or oral history of that time surviving.

So the most likely explanation taking into account the war, the weapon, the axis/pole change and the flood 5,000 years ago, is the destruction of Atlantis is really an account of the destruction of an entire world. In Greek mythology it was Atlas who balanced the whole world upon his shoulders.

Another view:

Large land masses have caves and air pockets and when the weight of the ocean is displaced upon land we understand why Atlantis sank.

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13y ago

Yes,Atlantis did exist but there was an Earth quake and I think it fell in the Indian ocean.

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9y ago

Atlantis is a lost city that is famous in mythology. It is not clear whether it sank or was flooded.

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13y ago

It was supposedly due to natural disasters.

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12y ago

Atlantis is not real, it was part of a myth.

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