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No, she never did, nor has the president ever said he would give her an award. This is a very old internet myth, going back to 1999, when talk show host Barbara Walters named the 100 most fascinating people, for a TV special she was doing. But no president-- not Clinton, not Bush, and not Obama, ever gave Jane Fonda an award-- she was simply a guest on a TV show in 2000.

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11y ago
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Rosie Aleman

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1y ago
Whether it was true or not, we still will never forget Jane Fonda is a traitor! #hanoijane
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11y ago

No, he is not giving her an award, nor has he ever said he would. In fact, the chain email that provoked the question has been around since at least 1999, which is when Jane Fonda was one of honorees in Barbara Walters "100 Women of the Century" TV special. For some reason, the chain email began appearing in a new version in 2010 with President Obama's name on it, proving that on the internet, myths and rumors never die-- they just get reinvented. But that does not make them true.

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11y ago

No. This is a very old urban legend that has been circulating since 1999, and now, it's President Obama's name that has been put on it. It's a myth and there is no truth to it. Whatever anyone's opinion of Jane Fonda, President Obama has not honored her, nor did he ever say that he would.

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10y ago

I have no inside information and I could be wrong, but I do not think he will honor Jane Fonda. There is a lot of feeling against her position and actions during the Vietnam War, and Obama really his nothing to gain by giving her Presidential honors which would translate into his approval.

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11y ago

No, this is another internet myth. The president has never given an honor or an award to Jane Fonda. However, back in 2000, celebrity interviewer Barbara Walters named her as one of the 100 most interesting people, during a TV program Walters was doing.

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11y ago

No, this is a very old internet myth. Mr. Obama did not "honor" her, nor has he ever said he would. In fact the chain email that provoked the question has been around since at least 1999, which is when Jane Fonda was one of honorees in Barbara Walters "100 Women of the Century" TV special. For some reason, the chain email began appearing in a new version in 2010 with President Obama's name on it, proving that on the internet, myths and rumors never die-- they just get reinvented. But that does not make them true.

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12y ago

To answer that you have to ask Obama. If he is, he will lose my vote.

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