

Did the Indians have salt

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Yes the Indians did have salt.

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Q: Did the Indians have salt
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Why did Britain make a law that forbid Indians from buying salt?

The British only wanted the Indians to buy salt from them which was heavily taxed. Of course most of the Indian population could not afford it and salt was a big necessity for Indians at the time, everyone mostly used it. Gandhi said, "Next to air and water, salt is perhaps the greatest necessity of life."

Do Indians put salt in their food?

Yes they do. Almost all Indian dishes contain salt

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What did northwest coast Indians drink?

water, fresh or salt

Why did the british government ban the Indians from making their own salt?

Because the British Government ruled the Indians at the start of the 20th century, there was plenty of salt left in India, but then they had to buy it from the government instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did the native Indians discover salt?

Long before there were any records.

How were the Indians economically exploited by the British?

The Indians were exploited in many ways. The British put a tax on salt which is needed desprately in their climate.

Why did Britain make a law that didn't let Indians buy salt?


Why would poor Indians want to manufacture his own salt?

Salt is so essential for life. It is needed in food, so that the body functions properly

Why did walk the salt march?

Because the Indians wanted to prove that they did not need the British to supply them with the resources they need for their country.

Was the salt march in 1930 successful?

I think it was, because Gandhi was released from jail, along with all the other Indians who were imprisoned. Also, the Salt Trade was allowed again, and the British were unnerved by the Indians not giving up or fighting back, showing satyagraha (showing the truth).

What was the priories it of Gandhis protest?

To bring well being to the average working indians. He was always fighting for the forceful decisions by the British rulers what was causing sufferings to the Indians and was leading to misery and poverty. Salt and Cotton issues are one of them