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Yes, the United States and its allies did technically "contain" communism, but the fall of the Soviet Union was less of the United States' work and more the fault of the Soviets themselves. The Kremlin's attempted cover-up of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and other missteps in their economic policy cost the country billions, and eventually led to the demise of the once powerful nation and the introduction of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 1991.

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No, Vietnam was ultimately reunited under a communist government.

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Q: Did the US successfully protect south Vietnam from communism?
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In what country did the US successfully contain communism?

South Korea.

What was overtaken by communism?

South Vietnam. In the Vietnam war when south Vietnam lost the communism took over south Vietnam.Before that north Vietnam & south Vietnam were different colonies.

Why did the Americans enter the Vietnam War?

To stop north Vietnam from spreding communism in entering south Vietnam To stop north Vietnam from spreding communism in entering south Vietnam

Why did Americans join the Vietnam war?

To stop Communism spreading into South Vietnam.

Why did the United states protect south Vietnam?

The United States hoped to stop the spread of communism in Asia

Who tried to invade Vietnam?

NORTH Vietnam "invaded" South Vietnam (successfully by 1975). South VN never invaded North VN.

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In reference to Vietnam: Congress agreed ot allow our troops to defend themselves and help protect South Vietnam from the spread of Communism, but they did not declare war upon North Vietnam.

Indochina after fall of south Vietnam?

Laos and Cambodia fell to communism.

What is the relationship between south Vietnam and americ?

Nonexistent. South Vietnam ceased to exist in 1975 When North Vietnam successfully conquered the south. There is only Vietnam now.

Why did America want to protect the southern Vietnam from the communist northern vietnamese?

That is what the cold war was all about; containing communism (without having a nuclear war). We didn't want communism to spread. The communist's wanted to expand. Communist North Vietnam wanted to conquer South Vietnam...that's expansion; we couldn't allow that! So we fought a war about it.

Who did the us supportin the Vietnam war?

The U.S. supported South Vietnam they did this because they wanted to stop the spread of communism. They were also afraid that if Vietnam fell to communism then other countries would soon follow.

What were the initiating factors for the Vietnam war?

The U.S. didn't want communism to spread, so they sided with South Vietnam.