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you should look in a bible

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A quick look at the names of the sacred Jewish books implies that they constitute the O.T. and are the same thing.
However, there are some important differences. One difference is that the Jewish Bible (the Tanakh) is only in the original Hebrew. Any translation is, at best, no more than an indication of what the Tanakh is saying. Many verses teach us a number of things.
Another difference is that the Christian Old Testament may contain a few books that are not in the Tanakh (such as the books of Judith and Sirach).

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Yes. A quick look at the names of the sacred Jewish books implies that they constitute the O.T. and are the same thing.

The books of the Jewish Bible are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, etc.), Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra & Nehemiah, and Chronicles.

However, there are some important differences.

One difference is that the Jewish Bible (the Tanakh) is only in the original Hebrew. Any translation, whether done by Jews or Gentiles, is, at best, no more than an indication of what the Tanakh is saying. The translations leave out all or most of the Hebrew Bible's accompanying oral tradition, its traditional musical chant (cantillation, which provides punctuation and emotion), and the fact that many verses teach us a number of things.

Another difference is that the Christian Old Testament may contain a few books that are not in the Tanakh (such as the books of Judith and Sirach [and others] which are in the Catholic O.T.).

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First that question is not properly written to give you the perfect answer. The "Christian testament"? The Bible is made out of the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" which is the Bible. The Bible is broken up by different books that create the Old and the New. In the Old Testament, that is where Jesus has not yet come to earth and die for our sins. Therefore, in the Old Testament there was worse judgment on the world. Then, the New Testament is when Jesus finally came to earth to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life. Basically, the Bible is in two halves. The Old Testament starts with Genesis where God talks about how he created the world. Then the New Testament starts in the Book of Matthew then so on. If you are looking to study about Jesus Christ, start with the New Testament.

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Where does most of the information about the early history of israel come from?

1) The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). 2) Jewish tradition 3) Archaeology. See the attached Related Link.

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