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Most trans fats are the product of hydrogenated oils while cis fats are always found naturally. Because trans fats have a different atomic structure then cis fats, they are not metabolized properly by the human body. Additionally, trans fats are more prone to adversely affecting health.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Nature creates a number of fats with double bonds. To illustrate, take two sheets of paper. Draw two circles about an inch big and about 2 inches apart on each sheet leaving a little distance between them. Now, draw parallel lines from the top to the bottom of the sheets of the paper touching the outsides of the circles. Now You have a double bond. We want to break that double bond. On one sheet draw two circles on the same side as the circles between the lines. and erase part of the line between the circles. on the same side. You have cis fat. On the other sheet, draw one circle on one side of the circle on top and another circle on the opposite side of the circle on the bottom. Now change the lines so that the line is on the other side of the circle on the top from where you put the circle and it goes to the other side from where you put the circle on the bottom. You will have one line. You now have trans fat. Trans means the other side. When nature partially hydrogenates fat, she makes it cis fat. Nature does not make trans fat. (Man can force cows to make trans fat in feed lots). Manufacturers have only been able to make cis fats for the last 60 years.

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14y ago

When a double bond is formed between two carbons, each carbon has a hydrogen atom attached either above or below it. In cis fats, the hydrogens are both on the same sides of the carbons involved in the double bond. In trans fats, the hydrogens are found on opposite sides of the carbons involved in the double bond. The arrangement of trans fats is more linear and allows them to "pack together" in certain areas of the body. This can contribute to cardiovascular disease.

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12y ago

trans fats are unnaturally made by various forms of cooking etc.... there are an awkward shape and stick to cholesterol quite easily. This doesn't happen so much (if at all) with cis fats.

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15y ago

Trans fat has to be removed after a while.And regular fat you have to have or you'll die.

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What is the definition of Saturated fat?

With organic compounds, you can have carbon atoms bonded together with single bonds, double bonds, and triple bonds. If all of the carbon bonds in a fat are single bonds, the fat is saturated. If one of the bonds is a double bond, it is mono-unsaturated. If more than one bond is unsaturated, it is polyunsaturated. Sometimes industries add hydrogen to a double bond and make it hydrogenated. They can add it in one of two ways. They can make it a trans fat or they can make it a cis fat. Nature also hydrogenates fats. Nature makes cis fats. Your body has no problem with cis fats. Nature does not make trans fats. Your body has problems with trans fats. Industries can produce cis fats but find it easier to produce trans fats. Making trans fats illegal will force them to make cis fats.

What is the difference between a animal fat and plant oils?

The chemical structures mainly, I believe one takes a trans shape where as the other uses the cis shape, though I don't remember which is which.

What is hydrogenation and why is it done?

Hydrogenation is the proccess that makes unsaturated fat have characteristics of saturated fat. During the process the shape of the fat molecule changes for cis to trans form. This process increases the risk of heart disease.

Does different types of fat affect cookies?

in general there are three types of fats: unsaturated (cis), saturated and trans fats. unsaturated fats refer to those with tails that contain at least one double bond. the configuration of the molecule around the double bond could be straight (trans) or bent (cis). See below. /=/ ---> trans /=\ ---> cis Conversely, saturated fats are those that have no double bonds and conform to the CnH2n+2 rule.

Similarities between trans fats and unsaturated fats?

Trans fats are technically unsaturated fats. In cis-fats (healthy) hydrogens are on the same side at the double bond. This gives the molecule a deformed shape that does not pack well. This has an effect of lowering the melting point. In trans-fat the hydrogens are on opposite sides of the double bond. This is more stable and allows tighter packing. Thus trans-fats have higher melting points.H RC::CR HTransR RC::CH HCis

What is the Tagalog word for trans fat?

The Tagalog word for trans fat is "trans taba."

What does hydrogenation of fat mean?

Hydrogenation of fat is a chemical process that converts unsaturated fats into saturated fats by adding hydrogen atoms. This process helps to make liquid oils more solid, increasing their shelf life and improving texture. However, it also produces trans fats, which are known to be unhealthy and increase the risk of heart disease.

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What does 'trans' mean in trans fat?

In the context of trans fat, "trans" refers to the chemical structure of the fat molecule. Trans fats are created through the process of hydrogenation, which changes the configuration of double bonds in unsaturated fats. Trans fats are known to be unhealthy and can increase the risk of heart disease.

Is saturated fat a trans fat?

No. Trans fats are unsaturated.

What is 0 gram trans fat mean?

That there is no trans fat in the item, or that there is less than 0.5 grams of trans fat.

What is cis fat?

The basic building block of "fat" are fatty acids. Cis is a term used in chemistry and other sciences. Below is the definition of cis from cis-pref. # On this side: cisatlantic. # Having a pair of identical atoms or groups on the same side of a plane that passes through two carbon atoms linked by a double bond. Used of a geometric isomer: cis-2-butene. [Latin, from cis, on this side of.] In an effort to answer "Cis Fat", the description below is cut and pasted from for "Unsaturated fatty acid" Hopefully this helps:-) unsaturated fatty acid A that contains one (monounsaturated) or more (polyunsaturated) double bonds between carbon atoms. Each double bond takes the place of one hydrogen atom. In cis fatty acids, the two hydrogen atoms adjacent to a double bond are on the same side. This imposes a kink in the molecule making cis unsaturated fatty acids less easy to pack together. Consequently, cis unsaturated fats are usually liquid (oil) at room temperature. In trans-unsaturated fatty acids, the two hydrogen atoms adjacent to a double bond are on opposite sides, enabling the atoms to pack more closely together and giving the trans unsaturated fatty acids physical properties similar to saturated fatty acids. Eating large amounts of foods with high levels of trans unsaturated fatty acids is generally regarded as more detrimental to health than eating comparable amounts of food containing cis unsaturated fatty acids.