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Yes. Lutherans use a general rite of confession as the first part of Worship. This is said by all in unison and then the Pastor announces that Christ has forgiven their sins "In the name of the Father, and the Son and Holy Spirit". There is also a liturgy for private confession with the Pastor, who then makes the Sign of the Cross upon the penitent and says "As a called and ordained Minister of the Church of Christ, I therefore forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit" There is no penance or prescribed set of prayers that is said. The penitent has been forgiven through Faith in Christ during any confession in the Lutheran Church.

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No. They believe that in confessing in your heart to Christ is the way, not to go to a human priest. I'm not Lutheran but studied history and remember this from learning about Martin Luther.

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HAIL SATAN! I mean God...

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Q: Do Lutherans believe in confession of sins to a priest?
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Who do you need to tell your sins to in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession?

In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

What is it called when you admit your sins to a priest?

When you admit your sins to a priest it is called a confession. Some say it is better to confess your sins to a higher power so that it is only between you and them.

What is the name for telling your sins to the priest in reconciliation?


What will wash your sins way?

Discern whether or not you're truly sorry. If you are. Go to a priest and give him your confession. Your sins will be absolved (by God) through the priest. Then you can start fresh. The previous sins will be forgotten.

What does the priest give after confession?

After you confession your sins, the priest asks you to make a good act of contrition. This is extremely important as without real contrition AND a firm purpose of amendment your sins are NOT forgiven even when he gives you absolution. He then gives you a penance to perform and then he absolves your sins and dismisses you.

Using the word absolve in a sentence?

The priest absolved the woman of her sins after she had given confession.

What is a confessional box used for?

A confessional box is where the priest sits in and people make confession of their Sins.

How many essential part of confession?

There are three essential parts to the sacrament of confession in the Catholic Church: contrition (sincere sorrow for sin), confession (telling one's sins to a priest), and satisfaction (performing the penance prescribed by the priest).

What should you examine before you go to confession?

* Examine your conscience thoroughly * Be sincerely sorry for your sins * Confess your sins to the best of your ability * Resolve to amend your life * After your confession, do the penance the priest gives you

Is confession part of the episcopal church?

Yes, the sacrament of penance is one of the seven sacraments of the Episcopal Church. However, it is not obligatory. The general rule is: Non must go to Confession, some should go, and all may. It is done two ways. One is by saying a specific confession of sins prayer all together with the priest as part of the service; There is also private confession, which one goes to the Priest privately and confesses their sins and receives absolution. This is what most people think of when they think of 'confession'. We also believe all of your individual sins you should deal with God on your own time and be truly and humbly penitent and then be forgiven.

What is confession?

Confession is when you go to a priest and confess all of the sins that you have comitted since your last visit with the priest. Then the priest forgives you of your sins and tells you pray to a certain amount of prayers as penance. After prayer you will receive absolution from the guilt of your sin.

Is it necessary to have another priest on the other side of the Confessional box when a priest is confessing?

Yes it is necessary. A priest can't "hear" his own confession. Even the Pope has to confess his sins to another priest.