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The protein shakes won't help much. Protein shakes are mainly beneficial if you're training so hard that you can't get enough nutrition through your regular meals - and there aren't many people who can achieve that.

The biggest challenge isn't in building the abs, but in shedding enough of the subcutaneous(under the skin) fat so that the abs begin to peek through.

Thing is, we need some of that. It's our insulation, our padding and our energy reserve.

If you cut back on your diet hard enough to burn that fat off, you run the risk of getting fatigued, weaken your immune system and other side effects. If you're female, you may stop menstruating.

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Q: Do protein shakes and ab workouts every day help build 6-pack abs?
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What are alternative proteins?

Body builders are known to have protein supplements to build their body. They are formulated powder produced containing proteins of egg, soy, whey or any other protein food. This can be taken as protein shakes after workouts.

Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

Are protein shakes really worth the money?

Protein shakes will not instantly build muscle. So if you use them do not expect them to show results the next day. You have to work out or do some kind of exercise for them to do anything.

Should you use protein shakes or normal food in order to build muscles?

you should use a protein shake so you can be strong.

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High protein supplements will help you build muscle if you do some strength training. It will help you recover and build more muscle from these workouts.

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I read that he is a vegetarian, so he takes a lot of protein shakes.

What is the purpose of drinking a protein drink?

The purpose of consuming protein drinks is a faster muscle formation of the human's body. That is why many bodybuilders drink special protein shakes to enhance the build-up of muscles.

Should I use a protein powder to build muscle mass?

Yes, you should use a protein powder to build muscle mass. Or you can also make protein shakes consisting of different fruits and vegetables which would more than likely be better than a powder.

How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

In Which sport do you need a lot of protein in?

You need a lot of protein in almost all sports. Protein will help you build lean muscle and stay in shape and if used after a workout, will help your muscles to recover much quicker so that you won't be sore for as long. Protein shakes or bars are good things to have for any sport that involves physical workouts or exertion. Some sports where you will need a lot of protein is football, basketball, track and field, soccer, baseball, weightlifting, boxing, or wrestling.Basketball, swimming actualy all sports do! to give you energy!

What do body building protein shakes do?

If you are unsure of protein for muscular strength, you can look up how it helps to build muscle after a workout and it repairs muscles that have endured a strong weight training regimen daily.

When should you take protein?

Everyone should eat foods rich in protein daily, but those who are attempting to build muscles often take extra protein supplements. When building muscles, protein should be taken throughout the day, and is effective taken before or after workouts.