

Persian Empire

At different times, under different ruling families, there were several different Persian Empires. Usually, the term refers to the Achaemenid dynasty empire founded by Cyrus the Great (559BC - 530BC) which was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great. To rule such a large empire, new groundbreaking systems were set up which influenced all who came after.

500 Questions

How were kids educated in Persia?

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In ancient Persia, education for children was primarily provided through a system of private tutors or schools known as "kutab." These schools focused on teaching reading, writing, math, ethics, and religious principles. Wealthy families often hired private tutors for their children, while commoners attended local kutabs. The education system in Persia aimed to provide a well-rounded education and instill moral values in children.

What was the language of the Persian Empire?

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The official language of the Persian Empire was Old Persian, which belonged to the Indo-European language family. Over time, the empire also adopted Aramaic as a common language for administrative purposes due to its widespread use across the region.

How were people in the Persian Empire educated?

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Education in the Persian Empire was primarily focused on training individuals for specific roles in society, such as scribes, administrators, and soldiers. The elite were often educated through private tutors or in specialized schools, while the common people received education through informal methods within their communities. Zoroastrian priests were responsible for teaching religious and moral principles to the population.

The political system of the Persian empire under rules such as darius and Cyrus was a?

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The Persian Empire had a centralized administrative system with provinces governed by satraps appointed by the king. Darius I implemented a system of satrapies with local governors responsible for tax collection and maintaining order. The king also had a council of advisors and a royal court to assist in governing the vast empire.

What political system did Darius of the Persian Empire use?

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Darius of the Persian Empire used a bureaucratic administrative system known as the satrapy system. This system divided the empire into provinces called satrapies, each overseen by a satrap appointed by Darius to collect taxes, enforce laws, and maintain order. Darius also implemented a system of royal roads and a standardized currency to facilitate communication and trade within the empire.

What political policies helped Cyrus and Darius control the Persian empire?

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Cyrus and Darius implemented policies such as decentralization of power through a system of satraps, religious tolerance, and efficient communication and infrastructure networks to control the Persian Empire. They also established a standardized legal system and promoted cultural integration among diverse ethnic groups within the empire.

How did Darius improve the Persian Empire political organization?

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Darius improved the Persian Empire's political organization by dividing the empire into provinces called satrapies, each governed by a satrap chosen by the king. He also established a system of efficient communication through the Royal Road, allowing for swift information and troop movement across the empire. Additionally, Darius implemented a standard currency, weights, and measures to facilitate trade and commerce.

What was the political system of the Persian Empire under Darius's and Cyrus?

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The Persian Empire under Darius and Cyrus followed a system of absolute monarchy with the king, known as the Great King, having supreme authority. The empire was divided into provinces called satrapies, each governed by a satrap who collected taxes and enforced the king's laws. The king also had a council of advisors known as the royal council to assist in decision-making.

What were the political systems of the Persian Empire?

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The Persian Empire was ruled by a centralized monarchy with a king known as the "Great King." The empire was divided into provinces known as satrapies, each governed by a satrap appointed by the king. The satraps collected taxes, maintained order, and enforced the king's laws within their territories.

What is the approximate distance from Susa to Persepolis?

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What the heck, how are any of these answers? lol

What is Persepolis an example of?

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Persepolis is an example of a graphic novel that combines text and illustrations to tell a story. It is a memoir by Marjane Satrapi that recounts her experiences growing up in Iran during and after the Islamic Revolution. Through its visual storytelling, Persepolis explores themes of identity, politics, and culture.

What type of literature was most prevalent among Persian people?

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Persian literature is known for its poetry, particularly epic poetry and mystical poetry. Works of renowned poets like Rumi, Ferdowsi, Hafez, and Saadi are highly revered in Persian culture. Additionally, Persian literature includes prose works such as historical chronicles, philosophical treatises, and moral stories.

Are Persian rugs made by kids under the age of 14?

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Child labor in the production of Persian rugs is a concern. However, not all Persian rugs are made by kids under the age of 14. Some rug-making industries have implemented measures to prevent child labor and ensure ethical production practices. It is important to do proper research and support companies that are transparent about their manufacturing process.

How was Cyrus's rule different from earlier empires?

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One major difference in Cyrus's rule was his policy of tolerance towards conquered peoples and their religions. He allowed them to practice their own customs and beliefs, which fostered a sense of inclusivity and helped maintain stability within the empire. Additionally, Cyrus employed a more decentralized system of governance, allowing local rulers to maintain power in their own regions, which helped to prevent outright rebellion and allowed for greater administrative efficiency.

How did the Royal Road effect cultural diffusion in the Persian Empire?

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The Royal Road played a significant role in promoting cultural diffusion in the Persian Empire. As a vast network of roads spanning over 1,500 miles, it facilitated trade and communication among different regions and cultures. This allowed for the exchange of goods, ideas, and customs, leading to the spread of Persian culture and influences throughout the empire.

Why were the Persians at a disadvantage at the battle of Salamis?

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The Persians were at a disadvantage at the battle of Salamis primarily due to their large fleet being cramped in the narrow straits, which restricted their movements and made it difficult for them to effectively utilize their numerical superiority. Additionally, the Persians lacked knowledge of the local waters and their ships were not as maneuverable as the Greek triremes, giving the Greeks an advantage in close combat. Finally, the Greek navy was able to exploit the disunity within the Persian fleet, leading to confusion and loss of coordination among the Persian ships.

What is the structure of the Persian Empire's government?

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The Persian Empire had a centralized government with the king, known as the emperor or the Shah, at the top. The king held absolute power and was supported by a bureaucracy of government officials and advisors. The empire was divided into provinces, each governed by a satrap who oversaw administrative and military matters.

Who conquered the Persian Empire and what did it accomplish?

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The Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 330 BC. This conquest accomplished the end of Persian rule in the region and ushered in the Hellenistic period, which saw the spread of Greek culture and influence throughout the conquered territories. Alexander's conquests also laid the foundation for the later expansion of the Roman Empire.

What did King Philip 2 of Macedonia need in order to conquer the Persian Empire?

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In order to conquer the Persian Empire, King Philip II of Macedonia needed a well-trained and disciplined army, sufficient financial resources to fund military campaigns, and a cohesive strategy to overcome the vast Persian land and navy forces. Additionally, he needed diplomatic alliances with other Greek city-states to ensure support and cooperation.

How was the Persian Empire founded?

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The Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC. Cyrus united various tribes and conquered neighboring regions to establish a vast empire that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to Central Asia. His military campaigns and administrative policies helped establish a strong and influential Persian Empire.

What was the Persian Empire's political structure?

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The Persian Empire was a centralized monarchy with an absolute ruler, known as the King of Kings. At the top of the political structure was the king, who held immense power and authority. The king appointed satraps, who were provincial governors responsible for administering various regions of the empire. The satraps were accountable to the king and had to pay tribute to the royal treasury.

What animals lived in ancient Persia?

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Cheetahs, buzzards, jackles, gazelles, wild pegs, lynxes and foxes...etc...

What do the people in the Persian empire eat?

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As the Persian empire and Persia no longer exist they eat nothing.

However as the country is now called Iran, a mainly Muslim country, food would have to conform with the relevant tenets of that religion.

How do you use instant kill move in Prince of Persia sands of time?

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When you have full sand banks or bubbles or whatever, press and hold the slow down time button i think. then press the attack button and the prince will be all over the place killing enemies