

Wind Power

Wind power is derived from the conversion of wind energy to become a useful form of energy to propel ships, make electricity or pump water. Wind is a renewable source of energy that is widely available and produces no harmful emission during operation.

500 Questions

What is the moral of the The wind and the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gentle warm words are more likely to get what you want than being forceful and harsh.

What is the moral of the wind and the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gentle warm words are more likely to get what you want than being forceful and harsh.

Are there wind turbines in Chicago?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are wind turbines located near Chicago in the state of Illinois. These turbines are typically found in rural areas outside the city where there is more open space and wind exposure, such as in wind farms.

Where in the world are wind turbines used?

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Wind turbines are used worldwide in countries with suitable wind resources, such as the United States, China, Germany, India, and Denmark. They are commonly found in regions with steady winds, such as coastal areas, plains, and mountain passes. Wind farms are also increasingly being developed offshore to harness stronger and more consistent wind currents.

What are the political advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Political advantages of wind energy include job creation, energy independence, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Disadvantages can include concerns over aesthetics, wildlife impacts, and potential conflicts over land use.

Are wind farms good or bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wind farms are considered as being good.

They provide energy with no pollution.

Downsides are no wind, no power.

The windmills are also quite costly to make and maintain.

In the 80's it was considered that a windmill would never be able to produce energy enough to cover the cost of its production.

This has changed, possibly due to higher cost of electricity.

Windmills are today considered a strong viable source of renewable energy.


Which one is more powerful the sun or the wind and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun is more powerful than the wind because it provides the energy that drives wind patterns. Solar radiation heats the Earth's surface unevenly, creating temperature variations that generate wind as air moves to equalize these temperature differences. So, ultimately, the sun is the primary source of energy for the wind.

When did H. Allen Franklin become CEO of Georgia Power?

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Asked by IntnlDirofBizBios

H. Allen Franklin became CEO of Georgia Power in 2000.

Who has seen the wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

i'ves seen the winds!


I've seen it move a flag and stuff.. but haven't seen it for real.......

seen in Dream it is coolllllll

Still another answer:

Who Has Seen the Wind?

By Christina Rossetti 1830-1894

Who has seen the wind?Neither I nor you:But when the leaves hang trembling,

The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I:

But when the trees bow down their heads,

The wind is passing by.


I've seen it with the help of rain,splitting into smaller water droplets by striking walls of my house,and light of a street lamp.They get blown away,and making a silhouette like image,making the wind near visible.

What are the disadvantages of wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are many disadvantages of winds

:- winds uproot trees

:- winds causes air pollution as during flow of wind much dust is swinnging

we could have a tornado

Is it illegal to touch a windmill?

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Can geothermal energy be harvested?

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Yes. At leat 25 countries around the world harvest geothermal energy, from USA to Thailand.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind dispersal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantage: It will go further from parent plant and avoid overcrowding .

Disadvantages: It will reduce the chance of survival for the seed as if it floats to a place without soil, it cannot germinate.

Does energy come from wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it does. That is my we have wind mills

Why does wind energy have limited uses?

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Asked by Wiki User

While wind energy has become an increasingly important and viable source of renewable energy, there are certain limitations associated with its use. Some of these limitations include:

  1. **Intermittency and Variability:**

    • Wind is an intermittent and variable energy source. The amount of energy generated by wind turbines depends on the wind speed, which can fluctuate throughout the day and seasonally. This intermittency can make it challenging to rely solely on wind energy for constant power supply without backup sources or energy storage systems.
  2. **Location Dependency:**

    • Wind farms are most effective in areas with consistently strong and reliable wind patterns. Regions with inconsistent or low wind speeds may not be suitable for large-scale wind energy projects. This limits the geographical locations where wind energy can be efficiently harvested.
  3. **Land Use and Aesthetics:**

    • Large-scale wind farms require significant amounts of land. Some people object to the visual impact of wind turbines on landscapes, raising concerns about aesthetics and potential impact on wildlife habitats.
  4. **Noise Concerns:**

    • Wind turbines can produce low-frequency noise and vibrations, which may be a concern for people living in close proximity to wind farms. While efforts are made to minimize these effects, they can still be a limiting factor in some locations.
  5. **Infrastructure and Transmission:**

    • Integrating wind energy into existing power grids may require significant upgrades to the infrastructure. Transmitting electricity from remote wind farms to urban centers can result in energy losses during transmission.
  6. **Initial Costs:**

    • While the operational costs of wind energy are relatively low, the initial investment in constructing wind farms and installing turbines can be high. This cost can be a barrier to the widespread adoption of wind energy in some regions.
  7. **Environmental Impact:**

    • While wind energy is considered environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuels, the manufacturing, transportation, and installation of wind turbines have some environmental impact. Concerns have been raised about the use of rare earth elements in turbine magnets and the disposal of decommissioned turbine blades.

Despite these limitations, technological advancements, ongoing research, and improvements in energy storage systems are helping to address some of the challenges associated with wind energy. Additionally, a diversified energy portfolio that includes a mix of renewable sources can help mitigate the limitations of any single energy technology.

What are the bad things about wind turbines?

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Asked by Wiki User


Dependent on the wind blowing. So electrical output is irregular and intermittant.

When did wind turbines start?

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With the ancients as 'windmills' to grind corn/wheat etc., and to drive up water.

How long has wind power been around?

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Wind power has been used for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations that used windmills for grinding grain and pumping water. Modern wind power, in the form of large-scale wind turbines for electricity generation, has been around since the late 19th century.

What is main obstacle to using wind power to generate electricity?

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Asked by Tuddajfb9829

The main obstacle to using wind power to generate electricity is the intermittent nature of wind. Wind speeds can fluctuate, causing variability in the amount of power generated. This creates challenges in integrating wind power into the electrical grid and requires the use of energy storage or backup power sources to ensure a reliable electricity supply.

How does a wind turbin produce energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The rotor is driven round by the wind and this drives a generator which is mounted behind the rotor and connected by a shaft. The electrical energy is then transmitted down the support column and distributed to the outside world.

What is a drawback for using fossil fuels?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, have long been the primary source of energy for industrial, transportation, and residential purposes. However, they come with several significant drawbacks, including:

Environmental Impact: Fossil fuel combustion releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, contributing to global climate change and causing air pollution. This results in various environmental problems, including rising temperatures, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events.

Depletion of Resources: Fossil fuels are finite resources. As they are extracted and consumed, reserves deplete, leading to concerns about future energy security and rising costs of extraction as resources become scarcer.

Air and Water Pollution: Burning fossil fuels produces pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can harm human health, lead to acid rain, and contaminate water sources.

Habitat Disruption: Extracting fossil fuels can disrupt ecosystems and wildlife habitats. For example, mining and drilling can destroy forests and wetlands, and the construction of infrastructure, such as pipelines and roads, can fragment habitats.

Spills and Accidents: Transportation and processing of fossil fuels can lead to accidents, such as oil spills from tankers or pipeline leaks, which can have devastating effects on ecosystems and local communities.

Geopolitical Tensions: Many nations depend on fossil fuels, and this dependence can lead to geopolitical tensions, conflicts, and power imbalances in regions with abundant reserves.

Price Volatility: Fossil fuel prices are subject to significant fluctuations due to factors such as supply disruptions, geopolitical events, and changes in demand. This volatility can impact energy security and economic stability.

Health Impacts: Air pollution from fossil fuel combustion is linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Long-term exposure to polluted air can lead to serious health problems.

Energy Inefficiency: The process of extracting, refining, and transporting fossil fuels is energy-intensive. This results in a significant energy loss before the final product reaches end-users.

Limited Energy Diversity: Overreliance on fossil fuels can make energy systems vulnerable to supply disruptions and price spikes. Diversifying energy sources can enhance energy security.

Given these drawbacks, there is a growing global shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, such as renewable energy (solar, wind, hydroelectric), to reduce the negative impacts associated with fossil fuels and combat climate change.

Is a taiga windy?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, the Taiga is very windy. Especially in the mountains.

Why do the men blow up the windmill in animal farm?

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Asked by Wiki User

because they wanted to make it seem like the animals work was not guareented to be a success they also just wanted to show the animals on their farm that animal farm wasnt controllable with animals running it

What are the Ethical issue of the wind turbines?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is really none of you bussness so shut up