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Yes, but within the limitations of the court.

Section 153.008 of the Texas Family Code

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Q: Father is custodial parent in Texas mother lives in ca if for some reason child at 12 wanted to move to ca with mom would Texas who has jurisdiction allow him to move out of state?
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Does a non-custodial mother have to pay child support to the father?

Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

How come a father has to automatically pay for child support and a mother may not if the father is the custodial parent?

A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.

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Can you sue your father for child support?

No. Your custodial parent must file a complaint for a child support order in the family court in your jurisdiction.

If the dad has custody but child lives with mom can mom file for support?

No. If the mother has full custody, the father must pay child support to the mother who is supporting the child. Put simply, the non-custodial parent pays child support to the parent who does have custody.If the custodial parent makes significantly more than the non-custodial parent, the court will not order the non-custodial parent to pay the custodial parent. There are formulas for each state and county that the courts follow. There are also circumstances that do not follow typical guidlines.

Does non custodial parent have to repay welfare ex collected?

In Fresno (CA) a custodial father of five had to repay welfare for money the mother received illegally.

Does child support increase if the father gets married?

No. (The answer is the same whether the father is the obligor/non-custodial parent or obligee/custodial parent.)

Can non custodial parent lose child Mother get remarried does noncustodial parent lose their child?

No. If you have been determined to be the child's biological father you and the mother will have equal parental rights if you remarry.

What can be done if custodial parent sends child out of state during noncustodial perants scheduled visits?

The non-custodial parent should file a motion in the court with jurisdiction (where the child resides) for contempt of court on the part of the custodial parent. If the contempt continues, the custodial parent may be fined, jailed or custody modified to favor the non-custodial parent.

Which court has jurisdiction if the custodial parent moved the child to Florida but all court orders are in Tennessee?

Well if it's the opposing parent, i.e. the other parent who has visitation, then the custodial parent has to inform the court before they moved and visit that with the court, and if they didn't then the visitation parent should have issues with the court of the original jurisdiction.

What if father isn't listed on birth certificate but mother wants child support but no visitation rights?

Once paternity is established, the non-custodial parent has the right to request visitation, just as the custodial parent has the right to request support.

What are the rights of the mother who has shared custody of the child but is not the custodial parent?

same as a father under the same conditions. What the court orders say.