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China, South East Asia, and US


British and British Commonwealth especially Australian and Indian, Dutch (from Netherlands East Indies, later Indonesia). Towards the end of the war Italians and French were also interned, and sailors from almost every Allied nation were in captivity from captured merchant vessels. In addition, a large number of civilians were interned, families of British service personnel, trade legations in China, and planters (farmers) from NEI, Malaya etc.

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Q: From what countries were the soldiers mainly from who were in Japanese POW camps?
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Why did soldiers die in prisoner war camps?

Often through malnutrition and infectious diseases, Russian soldiers in German camps - and vice versa - and Allied soldiers in Japanese camps much more so than British and American soldiers in German camps. German prisoners of war were often shipped to the US and put to work there on farms and in factories.

What are the Japanese Interment camps?

Japanese Relocation Camps are located on the Pacific Coast of the United States.

Who built Japanese American internment camp?

Teddy Roosevelt who thought of the interment camps for the Japanese-Americans and he (might) ask some or more builders and few soldiers to build and scout for building the internment camps.

What 6 countries have used concentration camps?

Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Hungary

Why did the Japanese stay in internment camps?

The barbed wire fences and soldiers with rifles were a couple of good reasons. You DO understand

How many Japanese internment camps were there?

there are 39 diffrent Japanese internment camps

What were Japanese POW camp conditions for Australian soldiers in World War 2?

Absolutely disgraceful , just as they were for the British, American and other allied groups which included civilians from the same countries. They were starved, in Changi and other camps they resorted to eating rats for example, if they could find any. Torture was prevalent and beheading was common. To a westerner the Japanese were sadists and to this day are typically hated by people who were associated with the war. The Japanese tested out poisons on the pows and specifically used separate limbs which meant chopping limbs of them. After there were no remaining limbs they would through their torsos out in to the snow

Are Japanese internment camps always bad?

During World War II, virtually all Japanese internment camps were terrible places. A telling statistic is this: Of all American soldiers in German POW camps, the percentage that died was just slightly above the normal death rate expected for that time period. - between 1% and 1 1/2%.The death rate for Americans in Japanese POW camps was a staggering 35%.

How did the Japanese end up in war camps?

the japanese were put into war camps because...

How big are Japanese internment camps?

See website: Japanese-American internment camps.

Was the Japanese happy about the internment camps?

No, the Japanese- Americans were not happy about the internment camps in WW2.

What is the history of Japanese internment camps?

Japanese internment camps sprung up during World War Two. These camps relocated 110,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a factor in the development of these camps.