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There is no thumb rule for the order of the genes in genome!

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Q: How are genes ordered on a chromosome and how do you use the recombinant percentage to do this?
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Related questions

What is the name of genes that are carried on the same chromosome?

The genes that are carried on the same chromosome are called as the linked genes.

How does recombinant DNA replace defective genes?

well it helps it

Which chromosomes carries the fewest numbers of genes?

The y chromosome, which only contains a few hundred genes.

What is it called when genes are located on the same chromosome?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

How many genes does the chromosome carry?

The number of genes varies. Most of any chromosome consists of non-coding DNA, which does not contain any genes. Each chromosome has many chromatins. One gene consists of many chromatins. Therefore, one chromosome could have many genes.

What is the relationship between the genes and chromosomes?

There are thousands of genes in a chromosome.

Why does the y chromosome not carry any alleles?

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and contains fewer genes. It carries the genes necessary for determining male sex and some other genes, but it lacks many of the genes present on the X chromosome. This is why the Y chromosome does not carry any alleles in the same way that the X chromosome does.

do genes make chromosome?


The Y chromosome is larger and carries fewer genes than the X chromosome?

No. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome. There are only about 70 active genes on the Y chromosome and many more deleteriously mutated one. The X chromosome contains many more active genes and only crosses over marginally with the Y chromosome.

Which types of mutation can be add genes to a chromosome?

A deletion mutation can take genes away from a chromosome.

How does the order of genes in one member of the chromosome compare to the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

Each chromosome usually contains multiple genes true or false?

Can each chromosome usually contain multiple genes? yes each chromosome usually contains more than one gene.