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Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection holds that the individual members of any population vary in the characteristics they display. For example, individual horses might have longer or shorter legs or greater or lesser lung capacity. Some aspect of those characteristics are more helpful to individual survival (longer legs, perhaps) and, as the individual is thus more likely to survive long enough to have more offspring, that aspect of the characteristic will be inherited by more of the next generation than the less helpful ( shorter legs) characteristic.

Over time that will produce a change in the population and lead to species change and development of different species among isolated populations.

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Q: How did Charles Darwin's theory of evolution work?
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Charles Darwin is the one usually associated with the theory of evolution, although that is a bit of a simplification. The basics of the idea had been tossed around by others before, and during Darwins work with it.

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Charles Darwin is primarily associated with the theory of evolution through his work on natural selection and the publication of "On the Origin of Species." Other scientists, such as Alfred Russel Wallace, also contributed to the development of evolutionary theory.

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Darwin's most famous work was titled "On the Origin of Species" . It is his theory of evolution by natural selection

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The theory of evolution was formulated by Charles Darwin in the mid-19th century, with his seminal work "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed the concept of natural selection as the mechanism driving the process of evolution.

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Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace are considered the pioneers of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Their work independently led to the development of the theory, which revolutionized our understanding of how species evolve over time.

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Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Strictly speaking, Charles Darwin did not put forward the "theory of evolution". He publish a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection OR The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". The theory of evolution had been around for a long time, in fact, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had proposed evolution 75 years before Charles published his book. Charles Darwin gave us the driving force for evolution - Natural Selection. There had been suggestions for evolution and evidence in fossils well before Charles Darwin. It is just that nobody could work out why until Charles.

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Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace both came up with a theory that explained evolution.