

How do Buddhists treat animals?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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11y ago

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they don't kill them. cuz there not horribubble. tis a sin to kill dem yall. booyakashaa

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Q: How do Buddhists treat animals?
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No. Practicing Buddhists do not kill animals. This is the first of the Five Noble Precepts.

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Yes because there was a Buddha that kept a white tiger && I have seen many Buddhists that keep cats and dogs and such animals.

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Whatever you or your friends eat might be a Buddhists lunch in your area. With the exception of drugs or animals killed specifically for their consumption Buddhists have few dietary restrictions. Many are vegetarians from personal choice.

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Buddhists do not think that animals and humans are equal. They do believe that animals and humans are sentient to the point that causing them unnecessary suffering for your benefit is incorrect.

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I have attended meetings addressed by the Dalai Lama. Buddhists seem to invariably treat him with the greatest respect, and hang on his every word. Those who can touch his hand feel blessed.

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It is illegal to treat animals badly so in Britain's you have to treat them with respect I dont know about other countires