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Usually you can just take in proof to court that you had active coverage on the date of loss and they will most likely drop the ticket.

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Q: How do you handle a ticket for no car insurance when you have car insurance?
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Related questions

Whose insurance is affected when a friend gets a ticket when driving your car?

Insurance follows the car, and points follow the driver. which means that the friend will receive the ticket and the points against his insurance. However, your insurance will pay for your car and you should not receive the points for the ticket. Check with your state for insurance guidelines.

Will jaywalking ticket increase car insurance?

A jaywalking ticket will not increase your car insurance. It will not put points on your license in most areas or states.

Does a red light ticket on your bicycle affect your car insurance rates?

I would assume so, but your jurisdiction may handle traffic tickets for bicycles differently.

Does a registration ticket affect insurance?

No, a registration ticket does not affect your car insurance. Registration tickets, simple traffic violations, and wrong way turn tickets do not typically affect your standing with your car insurance.

How many insurance points do you get when you get a ticket for driving without car insurance?

If you don't have insurance how will it go against your insurance?

What happens if you get a speeding ticket in a rental car with no renters insurance?

The speeding ticket is a separate issue. If you don't have insurance you get done for driving without insurance, speeding or not.

If uncovered driver gets speeding ticket in your car?

If a person that is not covered by the insurance of the car being driven is given a ticket, the driver is responsible for the ticket. The insurance company that covers the car can tell the owner what affect it may or may not have for the policy owner.

If a person is driving their parents car under their parents' insurance and lets a friend borrow the car if the friend gets a ticket will the ticket affect the parents' or friend's insurance?

I believe the Parents insurance go up!

What happens if you get caught driving with out car insurance in mi?

You get a ticket.

Do you have to tell your car insurance company you got a ticket?

No use

If a friend without insurance driving your car gets a ticket for jumping a red light will your insurance go up?

If the ticket was issued to his name then NO, it will not effect your insurance rate.

What is an sr22 and how is it used?

An sr22 is a proof of insurance, particularly car insurance. It is important to have an sr22, otherwise, you can get a ticket driving because you have no proof of car insurance.