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I would find a group in your area. One that focuses on sexual abuse. It is very important that you talk about it and get the right help. Not from friends or family. They won't be able to offer the help that is needed. It is important that you talk to a professional because it will effect you the rest of your life, with ever relationship you or the person attempt to have.

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14y ago
  • Being abused when young leaves emotional scars that every abused child takes into adulthood. Seeing a Psychologist on a regular basis to learn tools to cope with the past abuse and realizing that a child has no control over such things, but now that the person is an adult they have total control over what happens to them in this situation and that no one can hurt them any longer. Often adults feel they could have done something to prevent the abuse and feel a lesser person because they were abused (different from what they consider normal people in society.) Abuse both mental and physical regarding children is on the rise. The best thing you can do is listen to what the abused person has to say and be there should they want your support when they see their psychologist. Sometimes just letting the person get their fears and frustrations out is good for their morale and also help. Unfortunately, this is a path the abused person must deal with alone and with the aid of their psychologist. The five senses kick in to remind the abused person every so often about the abuse: Example: sight; sound; smell and taste. If that person as a child is abused at home and can smell coffee or another smell then if they smell that same smell it can trigger a memory of past abuse and the same goes for sight (seeing a child being scolded or punished); hearing a parent scolding their child in an angry voice or tasting a food they ate at the time of their abuse. Some abusive parents may have force fed their children to eat what was on their plate whether they liked it or not.
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14y ago
  • Only psychological therapy can help your male friend. Physical abuse from childhood is a lifetime of bad memories and he needs to learn coping skills by a professional. He needs to know he had no way of preventing what happened to him as most children who were abused often blame themselves for allowing it to happen. All you can do is be the good friend you are and listen to him when he needs to talk about his feelings.
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Q: How can you help someone that has been abused in the past and seems to think about it all the time?
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