

Best Answer

There is a fix for broken blend doors being marketed. It avoids having to remove much of the dashboard and disconnecting the a/c system.

I haven't done it, but the concept looks good - and there are a number of videos showing how their repair works.


The very common problem of a failed blend door actuatoris extensively covered in the "Related Question" below.

There is a blend door repair method at the Automotive Forums Windstar section. The heater core has to come out and some cutting of the 'plenum' around the door.

The thread I've linked below includes a number of photos and heating/cooling diagrams.

TIP: "Right-click, save" the images to be able to get nice clear printouts of them.

The thread is a little short on the step 1, step 2, type detail, but will continue searching for other threads that may have it.

An excellent start, and certainly helps you get an idea of exactly what you're dealing with.


History and Root Cause of Blend Door Failures

On earlier automobiles there was generally a slide lever on the HVAC control panel(remember?). This slide lever was connected by a cable to the blend door and you had the control to slide the lever to full heat, full AC, or anything in between. Â In the 90's most automobile manufacturers moved from manual blend door control to mechanized computer control.

Generically, the HVAC system operates by providing air flow that can be directed through the AC evaporator and the Heater Core. The AC evaporator is cooled by the engine driven compressor and a flow of refrigerant, and the Heater Core is heated by a flow of hot radiator fluid through the core. The air flow is usually directed through the evaporator core and to the blend door where the air can be directed down two different paths to the vent system. One path goes directly to the vents, and the other path is directed through the heater core.

For AC, the compressor is on and air is directed by the blend door directly into the vent system. For heat, the compressor is off and air is diverted through the heater core. These are the two extremes, and the system can split the amount of air flowing down the two paths and control on/off of the compressor to achieve any desired temperature between the two extremes. When the blend door fails, control over which path the air flow takes is lost and dependent on the design of the system and where the broken door falls, you will lose heat, AC, or both.

When the manufacturers went to electronic control, different variations of a stepper motor were deployed to provide fine control over the position of the blend door. Some have variable resistance sensors built into the motor, or time measurements to gauge how long to run the motor to get to a desired position, or counting commutator clicks. Independent of the method used for fine control, the methodology requires that the system "knows" the extents of movement. The system has to measure where the door stops against the two end points of movement. The computer does this by driving the motor to a stall point and measuring a voltage surge or lack of change in the position monitor input. The DC motors are geared to move slowly with a great deal of force. The root cause of most blend door problems is the over-stress of this calibration process, and the plastic doors break over time like bending a coat hanger back and forth. The computer system generally goes through this calibration routine every 20 times that the car is started. Time-to-failure is not a traditional mileage, age, or driving habit function, but just how many times the car is started. A Pizza delivery guy that stops the car for each delivery will fail much faster than someone commuting to work once a day.

Automobiles were not built with this failure mechanism in mind and generally the process of replacing the blend door is involved and expensive. The usual dealer fix is to remove the steering column, pull the dash panel, evacuate and disconnect the AC system, drain and disconnect the radiator, and then remove the HVAC plenum(heater box). Once the box is out, it's fairly simple to open it and replace the cheap plastic door, and then put the whole thing back together hoping you don't screw up something else. HeaterTreater TM has developed processes for replacing the blend door without having to remove the dash and heater box. Cuts are made into the box in non visible areas with a Dremel tool, and the blend door is replaced with precision machined metal components. The process results in an easy, cheap fix and replacement components that are designed to outlast the automobile(much stronger than OEM plastic).

To date, thousands of our HeaterTreater rm repair kits have been installed in multiple different models with 100% installation success and correct operation. We are intent on maintaining superior customer service and would appreciate your consideration of our products.

Actually removing the temperature blend door is a veryinvolved procedure.

Reference a repair manual:

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  • Buy one - about $18
  • On-line resources - has a FREE and awesome online repair guide
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Q: How do you repair or replace the heater blend door on a Ford Windstar?
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If by "heater box" you're referring to the heater core, we've got you covered with the "Related Questions" below.Be sure to review the questions regarding the blend door and blend door actuator motor - other very popular heating/cooling parts in the Windstar

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The most common problem with heat and a/c in the Ford Windstar is Blend Door failure. The Blend Door actuator on the Ford Windstar can be found by removing the glovebox. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash.

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The Blend Door actuator on the Ford Windstar can be found by removing the glovebox. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash. This details the best DIY option on how to replace a broken blend door or actuator.

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If you are having any heating or a/c issues in your Windstar, be sure to check your blend door for functionality FIRST. The most common issue with heat or A/C in the late model Ford windstar is a broken blend door. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair.

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Before replacing the thermostat or any other component of the Windstar's HVAC system, be sure to check your blend door for functionality FIRST. The most common issue with heat or A/C in the late model Ford windstar is a broken blend door. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash. This details the best DIY option on how to replace a broken blend door or actuator, accessing the plenum box by removing the glove box rather than the entire dash.

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Before replacing the thermostat or any other component of the Windstar's HVAC system, be sure to check your blend door for functionality FIRST. The most common issue with heat or A/C in the late model Ford windstar is a broken blend door. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash. This details the best DIY option on how to replace a broken blend door or actuator, accessing the plenum box by removing the glove box rather than the entire dash.

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Can't say for positive sure, but I would expect the Freestar/Monterey blend door actuator motor to be much like the Windstar. Common failure, easy replacement - about $40 See "Related Questions" below for links to the Windstar related blend door discussions

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The most common issue with heat or A/C in the late model Ford windstar is a broken blend door. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash.

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If you are having heater/air conditioning issues in your Ford Windstar, the first thing to check should be the blend door. Broken blend doors are the main cause of heating issues in this vehicle. The Blend Door actuator on the Ford Windstar can be found by removing the glovebox. A broken blend door actuator is almost as common as a broken blend door itself. Typically, the fix requires disassembling the entire dash and replacing the whole plenum box, which can be a costly repair. Linked here is a video from demonstrating how to access components of the plenum box for repair without disassembling the entire dash

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This happened to my 95 Windstar-I just replaces the fuse for the air mixture door. On my 1999 Ford Windstar, the blend door itself broke. This repair is more costly and more difficult, perhaps $700 to $1000 to replace. I just tied a shoestring to my blend door. When you insert the blend door actuator if there is no slot for it the door is broken and you are up sh... creak. Hope it is the former. Another option is from a company called HeaterTreater - a method to repair a broken blend door without removing the dash. I haven't tried it, but the ideas behind it seem to make sense - and they have lots of videos showing the processes.

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The blend door is vacuum controlled. Any vacuum leak in the engine system can cause the door to not function properly. Check this system first. The door could be physically sticking but a vacuum leak is a more common problem.