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== == Because they don't think the others are right. He has a defense mechanism in which he will invalidate what others are saying about him. In his mind, he is "the saint" and the others are just poor, misled followers who haven't realized just how great he is.

Hi there, Id say his friends and family or anyone for that matter - Not even himself would admit he has a problem. Simply because to him its EVERYBODY else. Family and friends may think he is immature and leave it at at, maybe with the hope he will change... They never do! My N's family would say "he's just immature in some ways" and they had no idea how cruel of a person he was and even went as far as to say he wasn't capable of that, it's not who he is. It most certainly was who he is. I think a lot of narcissist's don't come out unless they can. He reserves the treatment and can show his true colours with you. They struggle to keep the facade going so they have to act normal to some people. They get there fix usually in so called intimate relationships. He is getting his narcassisitic needs met with you therefore he doesnt have to pull alot of his games on others as much.Plus he probably lies alot and tells others you have the problem. My N's father explains that she lives in just one dimension - her own. Both parents have volunteered on their own to say she is a spoiled brat and they realize she has a problem, and they are terribly sorry for the way she has treated not only me but others, including themselves. However they have never come out and admitted that she may be a narcissist. I don't talk to them about her unskillful approach to interpersonal relationships. They come to me to "check in" but I feel it is much better to leave her friends and family out of such a discussion.

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People close to the narcissist may perceive certain behaviors as immaturity rather than recognizing them as symptoms of Narcissism due to lack of understanding or awareness of narcissistic personality disorder. Additionally, narcissists are often skilled at manipulating those around them and projecting a different image to maintain control and avoid confrontation, which can contribute to others not fully understanding the situation.

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Q: How is it possible that people close to the narcissist such as his family and exes and friends call him immature but have absolutely no idea he is a narcissist or just how serious it is?
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Does a narcissist ever really forget her victim does a narcissist ever really let go does a narcissist ever write of their victim?

Do narcissists ever let go of a victim? The answer yes and no. As long as the narc feels you have any intrest in them and you can be manipulated by them such as guilt tripping, feeling sorry for them, will allow them to conjole, or cause any emotions in you whether anger, sympathy, empathy or any attention they will not let go or write you off. Narcs are users period. As long as you are a source of supply for anything they will try and add you to their list of suppliers. The only way to be written off by a narc is if you are replaced with a better source of whatever they were using you for, such as money,sex, service to immediate family members, friends or someone they consider a trophy to enhanse their public image. When with a narc, you will feel like yard dog, taxi driver, money supplier, dildo with a heart beat, door Matt and for all you supply to them will be taken for granted. They are ingrates and feel entitled to all they can get and have no remorse or gratitude.

How do you build your self esteem while living with a narcissist and control freak?

Building self-esteem while living with a narcissist and control freak can be a challenge, but it's important to prioritize self-care. Seek support from trusted friends or a therapist to validate your feelings and help you set boundaries. Focus on activities that make you feel good about yourself and remind yourself of your worth separate from the behaviors of the narcissist.

Can a person be a narcissist to only one person?

Yes, it is possible for a person to exhibit narcissistic traits or behaviors primarily towards one specific individual while maintaining healthier relationships with others. This can depend on the dynamics and history of the relationship, as well as the individual's own patterns of behavior and coping mechanisms.

Can a narcissist love his spouse or only be obsessed?

Narcissists "love" their spouses or other significant othersas long as they continue to reliably provide them with Narcissistic Supply (in one word, with attention). Inevitably, they regard others as mere "sources", objects, or functions. Lacking empathy and emotional maturity, the narcissist's love is pathological. But the precise locus of the pathology depends on the narcissist's stability or instability in different parts of his life.More inputWe are, therefore, faced with two pathological forms of narcissistic "love".One type of narcissist "loves" others as one would attach to objects. He "loves" his spouse, for instance, simply because she exists and is available to provide him with Narcissistic Supply. He "loves" his children because they are part of his self-image as a successful husband and father. He "loves" his "friends" because and only as long as he can exploit them. Such a narcissist reacts with alarm and rage to any sign of independence and autonomy in his "charges". He tries to "freeze" everyone around him in their "allocated" positions and "assigned roles". His world is rigid and immovable, predictable and static, fully under his control. He punishes for "transgressions" against this ordained order. He thus stifles life as a dynamic process of compromising and growing ? rendering it instead a mere theatre, a tableau vivant.The other type of narcissist abhors monotony and constancy, equating them, in his mind, with death. He seeks upheaval, drama, and change ? but only when they conform to his plans, designs, and views of the world and of himself. Thus, he does not encourage growth in his nearest and dearest. By monopolizing their lives, he, like the other kind of narcissist, also reduces them to mere objects, props in the exciting drama of his life.This narcissist likewise rages at any sign of rebellion and disagreement. But, as opposed to the first sub-species, he seeks to animate others with his demented energy, grandiose plans, and megalomaniacal self-perception. An adrenaline junkie, his world is a whirlwind of comings and goings, reunions and separations, loves and hates, vocations adopted and discarded, schemes erected and dismantled, enemies turned friends and vice versa. His Universe is equally a theatre, but a more ferocious and chaotic one.Where is love in all this? Where is the commitment to the loved one's welfare, the discipline, the extension of oneself to incorporate the beloved, the mutual growth? Nowhere to be seen. The narcissist's "love" is hate and fear disguised fear of losing control and hatred of the very people his precariously balanced personality so depends on. The narcissist is egotistically committed only to his own well-being. To him, the objects of his "love" are interchangeable and inferior.He idealizes his nearest and dearest not because he is smitten by emotion ? but because he needs to captivate them and to convince himself that they are worthy Sources of Supply, despite their flaws and mediocrity. Once he deems them useless, he discards and devalues them similarly cold-bloodedly. A predator, always on the lookout, he debases the coin of "love" as he corrupts everything else in himself and around him.More inputI think everyone have 2 components in them... the narcissism and the love... Me too... When we broke up and she went back to her bf... I cried then felt immense rage, but then...after a couple weeks, when it subsided, I realised that i loved her. Yes i did love her. There was always a part of me who wanted to call her and get back with her... telling her what she wanted to hear... that i love her... but every time it got blocked by the narcissism. I got very close... but it was always blocked. I did not realise only afterwards... Something was blocking me from expressing my emotions...More inputA narcissist is human and, like most of us, will want love in a natural way. Sometimes that part will be heard and felt by a person who is a narcissist. However, it will often be repressed by fear or warped logic.

What is immature thought?

Immature thought refers to thinking patterns or behaviors that are not fully developed or refined. It may involve impulsivity, black-and-white thinking, or a lack of consideration for consequences. Immature thoughts often reflect a lack of emotional maturity or cognitive development.

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Probably not, they would fight over mirror time. ;)

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It's normal and it's the thing to do. By staying in touch with the friends of the narcissist it still links you to the narcissist. Move on and start a new future. What friends? A true narcissist has no real loyal friends. They are known as supply. Those friends who are true to you will "self select" and will make their choice when you break up. However, if they want to maintain contact with the "narcissist" then you need to set them free. It just creates chaos in your life.

Is it possible to have a friendship with a narcissist?

It can be possible to be friends with a narcissist but do not expect much from this person. Also expect the friendship not to be very fufilling and mostly one sided (on your part) The one thing that does help is that you already know that he/she is a narcissist so you will understand why they do or say most things. I say give it a shot but do not expect too much like a friendship where that person will always be there for you no matter what because that just will not happen. I know this from experience. GOODLUCK!

What should I do if my friends call me gay for not liking a girl?

Ignore them. These 'friends' are immature.

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It is absolutely possible for someone to have romantic or sexual feelings for more than one of their friends at the same time. The best way to find out is to ask them.

Can a guy hang out with cheating friends and not cheat?

Absolutely. While his friends may do some things he may not agree with, he can very possibly like his friends for several other reasons. Although it is possible that he could cheat on his mate with or without influence from his peers, it is equally as possible that he may not.

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Who played one of Billy's immature friends in Billy Madison?

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It means that he is immature and that you can do better- alot better.

Would a narcissist ex-boyfriend talk about his ex to mutual friends in a way that makes it appear he is decent and moral when in reality he is trying to just take another dig at her?

OF COURSE! Mines is doing that now. They'd do anything to make themselves look like the saint. That is classic narcissist behavior. You have to be pretty careful in knowing who your friends are and who the narcissist has gotten to. I hate to say it but in order to figure out what the narcissist is up to, you have to think like a narcissist. Of course that makes you look bad, like you ARE a narcissist (you've probably picked up some narcissist behaviors being around one anyway) so BE CAREFUL. My narcissist called this game "Ex Caliber" after King Arthur's sword. He said people who were pure and of good intentions could slip past his defenses. Translation: You better make yourself look better than the narcissist and dodge the mud he's flinging if you want to keep your friends!

A narcissist doesn't always use another woman as N supplyit can be another source right?

Yes, I believe that this is true, it doesn't have to be another woman. I have recently witnessed someone that I believe is a narcissist (but not a malignant narcissist) go FROM an NS of male friends TO an NS of another woman. But the male friends were the NS for quite some time. I think the narcissist will use as an NS anyone - male or female - that satisfies his need for narcissistic supply.

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