

How many gay people are in England?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Nobody knows for sure how many but in most societies the average is assessed to be 10% of the total number. Say for instance England has 50 million people then according to the sum 5 million would be gay.

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Why are there many gay people?

There aren't many gay people. Only about 3% to 8% of the population is gay.

Is there a place in uk where only gay people live?

Probably not 100% gay but Brighton, England has a high population of gay people. The UK is pretty tame with gay people besides the fact marriage isn't allowed.

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Because secretly gay men are gay in secret, it's not possible to count them.

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Because they are GAY

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About 10% of all people are born gay. The population of England is about 53 million (53,000,000). The population aged 0 - 19 is about 12,500,000 (twelve and a half million), so one tenth of that suggests that there are about one and a quarter million kids in England growing up gay (1,250,000)! You probably know quite a few!

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Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.

Why can't gay people be happy?

Gay people can be happy. Many gay guys that are in relationships are usually happy. I'm gay and happy and single. Sometimes I am not happy but only because I feel lonely.

How many gay people are in relationships?

to find out how many gay people are in relationships, one must find out how many gay people there are in the world. Which is next to impossible because there are sill many homosexuals who still refuse to come out of the closet.

How many gay people are there in Louisiana?

Surveys vary, but as of 2014, there are about 230,000 gay people in Louisiana.

How many people die from being gay?

Nobody dies from being gay. Gay is not a disease. People die from heart attacks, accidents, cancer and many other things.