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This may vary from person to person at 22 weeks. If your are a more lean build you may feel a whole lot of movement as early as 16 weeks. I am about 22 weeks and my baby moves in cluster at time or a lot when my bladder is full. But some women don't feel anything at 22 weeks. Your baby may have his/her own pace and schedule so don't be worried. If you have no movement at all and you are starting to stress about it I would definitely go in to my Doc and be reassured by 1.listening to me baby's heartbeat 2. checking my fundal height 3.asking plenty of questions. Good luck

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Q: How many movements should be felt a day at 22 weeks pregnant?
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The answer given make no-sense. 7 cm above symphysis = 7-9 weeks pregnant!!?? The fundus should not be able to be felt at all at this stage!

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Is it normal to be 18wks pregnant with your third child and have no fetal movement at all?

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