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If you ate more before switching to this, you'd probably loose a bit. Then your body would get used to it and adjust to that lifestyle. Which basically means you'd loose weight, then you wouldn't loose more after that. Hey, Just wanted to contribute my own personal experience with this one. This is EXACTLY what I've been doing for about 7-8 months now. It started out nonintentional..I started back to school and had 8 hour classes that we weren't allowed to bring any kind of food or snacks. I got so used to eatting when I got home, that it turned into eatting only one time a day. I am 22 years old, 5'6 and I weighed 132 lbs. Currently (7-8 months later) I weigh 118 lbs. But it fluctuates. I hate that I've done this to myself....don't get me wrong, I love wearing a size 4 instead of a size 8, but now, whenever I eat more than one meal a day, I gain like 2-3 lbs. in ONE day! Your body adjusts to what you've done to it, and, in a way, your body punishes you. I know that if I started eatting normal....ya know, 3 meals a day with snacks in between, I'd probably blow up like a blimp....simply because I have shot and killed my metabolism. So....can't really stop you from making this decision, but just letting you know that the end result...the very end result, is not one to be desired!

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Q: How much weight can you really lose if you're starving yourself and only eating dinner and maybe a small snack?
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It really depends on the individual, you'll have to try it yourself.

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Bad. By eating, yes, your body does indeed store fat, but when you don't eat, your body thinks it is in danger of starvation and when you do eat, your body holds dear to every single little piece of energy it can get a hold of. This will make you grow "larger." It will store the fat. Really, if you want to lose weight, eat and exercise. Starving yourself will make your body dysfunctional. Eat up!

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Hide all food! But starving yourself is really unhealthy. I'd suggest sleeping in until ten, taking an hour to get ready, then eat an 11:00 brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. For dinner, eat some salad!

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No. Many women in concentration camps during the war had healthy (if rather underweight) babies. If you are seriously malnourished, for example from an eating disorder, you are more likely to be sub-fertile and not get pregnant in the first place, than to get pregnant and miscarry. Malnourished can mean obese as well as underweight.

Starving yourself to lose weight?

Not eating when you are hungry is a tough way to lose weight, not to mention it is more likely to be unhealthy for you. Try eating small portions of low sugar foods, and eat only when you ARE hungry. Taking a low sugar approach to losing weight is a much healthier option, which really works. Do some research and learn more about the pitfalls of sugar in our diet.

Starving to lose weight?

No you should not starve yourself for losing weight, it would be really dangerous for your health. A healthy balanced diet is very important for losing weight, starving is not the right way. Consume less calories than you burn and eat varieties of food.

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usually it depends on what type of diet they are using. if its starving them sevles that is really unhealthy. but if it watching how much they are eating or how much food they take i guess that is okay.

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You simply stop eating them, force yourself to flush them if you really need to

Does the current economic climate effect peoples choice of eating lunch more than dinner?

not really, people just have more options of food to eat at lunch.