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white 1991 Toyota Camry Base 5-speed 4banger 270k nothing power in the doors.. :(



\i used 16g wire and lassoed the lock and pulled as hard as the wire would allow my hands and yanked up

ill improve answer i have a lock-out tool set now ill try that under the window tool and ill sum it up and put it up on here

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Q: How to use a slim Jim to open a 91 Toyota Camry?
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How do you use a slim Jim to unlock Toyota Camry 1995?

My daughter locked her keys in car. She called local police. They opened door with slim jim, laughing the entire time. Still don't know how they did it. DAD in N.J.

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You eat the slim Jim which gives your lazy butt energy to open the door.

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Probably: Slim Jims never seem to lose their ability to open any car door, even with the advances in locking devices.

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A Slim Jim is a piece of processed meat. No, a Slim Jim cannot open a gm. sierra. It does not have the force, or structure needed.

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== == Call a professional locksmith. They will be able to get it open, and then make/sell you a second set of keys for it.

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I how do you unlock the doorI locked my keys in the car if you have a slim jim where would you put it to open the door

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2002 Ford Focus?

Don't use a slim Jim...You open a coat hanger and tighten the hook to be a little more closed, then you use wood wedges or a flat tool to pry the door open enough to let the hook through into the car. If you want you can use the slim Jim to help get the hook past the weather stripping, or you can just save the slim Jim to use on a different car that is not slim Jim resistant. Pull to get a broad curve in the wire and use it to pull the door handle open. Not easy takes about 20 minutes of steady effort.

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the lock mechanism is in the rear, right under the lock, all you do is take the slim Jim and push the mechanism down and forward.

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2003 Alero?

I can attest that it works. Using an upward motion with a slim jim ... just a few inches in from the window trim.