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Some states may allow for it, but with that specific set of circumstances, the answer would be no in Texas (and I would imagine most states).

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Q: If mother signs off rights and father has custody gets married wife adopts the child would grandparents have rights to see child?
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If a person dies and the baby's father is in jail could the maternal grandparents get full custody of the child?

The baby's grandparents could get custody.

What has to be done to get grandparents rights?

The grandparents can get access towards there grandchildren by the mother and father dies and they get them. Or the grandparents file for custody of the children

If your a minor and your grandparents have temporary custody over you can you choose to live with your other grandparents with only the consent of your father?

No. Only the grandparents who have custody over you can give you consent to do so. And even then, they may not be able to give you permission to live with your other grandparents, depending on why you other grandparents were not given custody over you in the first place.

Your mother has full custody. Would your father have to consent for you to get married?

No. If your mother has sole legal custody she can consent to your getting married.

Can grandparents seek custody if both mother and father or unfit parents?

Yeah, they have several of the same rights.

Does illegal father has more rights than grandparents Father wants full custody child's been living with grandparents for four years in AZ?

As an illegal, he probably does not have access to the legal system. The grandparents should probably determine if the father is a fit parent and, if so, do the right thing.

If father has primary custody and goes to work out of state and step mother stays home with child can the mothers grandparents try to get custody for that time?

They have no court standing

What rights does a mother have if custody hasn't been established?

If you are not married the custody automatically falls on the mother and the father have to go to court to get visitation or custody. If you are married you have equal rights.

If you were never married to your child's father and you have sole legal and physical custody who gets custody if you die?

The childs' father, married or not. Your relationship to the father is irrelevent. The father is the first on a long list of family members. Create a living will if that is not acceptable.

Does the father have any custodial rights in Texas if the mother has custody but the child lives with the grandparents?

Do you have a court order saying you have visitation? Are you the biological father? If so then YES. Go back to court and file for custody.

Can a mother keep a child away from the father if they are still married?

No, if they are married they have equal custody.

If father has primary custody and goes to work out of town and step mother stays home with child can the mothers grandparents try to get custody for that time?

can try, but they would not have standing