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Q: If nothing comes from nothing then where did God come from?
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The concept of ether states that it comes from nothing but simple is (perhaps).. It is from ether that other particles such as atoms come into existence.. A spirtual person would say ether comes from "God" or perhaps in its totality is god.

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Islam religion comes from God and by God and for God worship.

Who created god or why he existeven god can't tell from where he came from?

A Muslim viewpoint:1- This question is not reasonable because if someone created god; thin again we have to ask who created the creator of god!2- God is the creator. he created the concept of creation3- God is the first, nothing comes before him. He is the last, nothing comes after him.

Does the word martial come from the greek god marta?

No, it comes from the Greek god MARS

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If a round is not fired and then ejected, nothing comes out of the barrel.

Where did the word 'Goodbye' come from?

Goodbye comes from "God be with (ye)you"

What god does chimerical come from?

If you mean a chimera then it comes from this other monster Echidna (not the anteater) Answer 2: 'Chimerical' comes from Chimera, who was monster - not a god.

What do you feel in knowing that god loves you?

It's amazing. The greatest love of all time comes from him and I love him too! And the best thing is that nothing can come between, he's always there for everybody.

Who come before hen or egg?

who will belive god then he can belien hen comes first,the person who will not belive god he thinks egg comes from hen

What does the word bye originally come from?

My understanding is "good bye" comes from "God be wi' ye" (God be with you)

Is Earth's name comes from a Roman god?

No Earth's name does not come from a Roman god or goddess. Earth likely comes from Norse goddess called Nerthus.

Come and Answer This Question EmErGeNcY?

Nothing just comes true you have to work at what you want