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Well, most of them disappeared between about 1989 and 1991. Second world countries are communist.

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Q: If we have third world countries what countries are second world?
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Is Trinidad and tobago third world?

Yes.. Trinidad and Tobago is a third world country; however, it should be regarded as a Developing Country, as First World, Second World and Third World were terms resulting out of the Cold War. First World Countries are regarded as highly developed countries Second World Countries are Communist Countries and Countries of the fallen Soviet Union Third World refers to Developing countries and Underdeveloped countries.

Is it third countries or third world countries in a sentence?

Third World countries.

Is Sudan a third world country?

Yes, Sierra Leone is a third world country. Jawaharlal Nehru created the system of first, second, and third world countries and organized them in this manner: First world countries included Western, developed countries. Second world countries included the allies of the Soviet Union. Third world countries were neutral. The problem with this organization was that developed countries could be classified as second or third world based on their political alliance, not on their development level, and vice versa. The more correct answer would be to call Sierra Leone a less economically developed country. This emphasizes a known standard and also serves as an euphemism.

What is meant by the term 'third world countries?

Well, after the World War 2 there was primarily 3 blocks of nations. First world countries like American and other western countries which withheld Democratic stand point, Second world countries like the Eastern Europe and Russia with Communistic principles and the third world countries which were neutral. But today the phrase third world countries often imply under developed or developing countries.

Is the USA a second world country?

No, the USA is considered a first world country. The terms "first world," "second world," and "third world" originated during the Cold War to categorize countries based on political alliances, with first world countries aligned with the Western bloc, second world countries with the Eastern bloc, and third world countries unaligned. These terms are now outdated and not commonly used in modern geopolitical discussions.

In men soccer what country has the most cups who is first second and third?

The top countries in the world of football are Brazil, Italy and Germany. In the first, second and third order.

Since there are countries known as third world why are they called third world and where would the first and second world be?

Countries known as 'third world' are considered "developing nations" (i.e. Latin Amerca, Africa etc.) 'First world' countries are industrialized or 'advanced' nations (i.e. United States, Western Europe etc.) 'Second world' was a term coined for the U.S.S.R. when in existence, but with it's dissolution the term is now hardly used.

What does third world debt?

Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries. Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries.

How many third world countries are in the world today?

There are 47 third world countries today.

Is Azerbaijan a third world country?

The terms "first world", "second world", and "third world" are obsolete relics of the Cold War. "First world" means the developed democratic countries like the United States and Great Britain, "second world" means the communist countries behind the Iron Curtain, and "third world" means the poor countries. Since there's no longer an Iron Curtain, there's no second world and the system is now meaningless. Some have seen fit to retain the system by classifying the former communist countries as the second world. As it used to be part of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan would be a second-world country under this definition.

What is third world debt?

third world countries which are in debt to countries which have more money and material. Third world is when devolving countries are in debt. countries like Africa which have no money or materials .

What is the meaning of first second and third world?

The first world, also referred to as the free world, refers to democratic and economically developed countries. It's also frequently known as the West, though it also includes other countries like Australia. The second world referred to Communist countries. The third world, also known as the developing world, refers to countries which have far less stable and developed political and economic systems. After the end of the Cold War the terms first and second world generally fell out of use, and the term "developing countries" is now used more frequently than the "third world," which is sometimes seen as an offensive term.