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you have the ultimate decision, not him

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Q: If you are pregnant can the baby's father make you give it up for adoption when it is born?
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What do you do if your pregnant the father has other kids and he does not want you to have yours I am about 2 months or so and the babys dad has 2 other children and does not want me to have mine.?

The bottom line is that it's your choice, not his. His parental rights starts after the baby is born. You have to ask yourself if you want to be a parent, can you support yourself etc. There's always adoption. I suggest you contact Planned Parenthood and make an appointment so they can present all your options and you can get all the info for what you decide. See links below for more info.

In New York can a pregnant woman move out of state without the consent of the babys father?

In any state, a pregnant woman can move out of state because the unborn baby does not have legal rights yet. Therefore, the father of the child has no rights over the woman or child. But, if you wait to move until the baby is born then he can file with a court to not allow you to move. So, if you want to get away and have a better chance of solely keeping the child... move now.

What damages can taking narcotics while being pregnant have?

Yes! there are reasons you need a prescription for there pills, and they shouldn't ever be such an addiction that you need to take them while you are pregnant. No damages were ever proven to be done to your child, however, the state takes away babys that have adicts as moms...this includes babys who are born on narcotic pain releavers, without a prescription.

Did some body got 11 babys?

No. If they did, they weren't all born alive. Highest record on most born babys is 8.

What are legal rights for fathers in Wisconsin if the baby has not yet been born but mother is in labor and adoption papers have not been cancelled?

I would think that if the mother and father are not together and the mother is willing to give up custody of the child to the father than the father would have rights to the child. If the adoption papers haven't been canceled yet they will have to be signed when the baby is born saying that the mother and father give up parental rights to the child

8 weeks ago i slept with my ex boyfriend had a period but no pains slept with some one else 5 weeks later i found out i was pregnant?

Well either of them could be the father and that you wont find out until the baby's born. Your choices are abortion, adoption or just keep it.

How much babys are born in a year?

There is 300,000 born in a year

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Does illegal father have rights to his American born baby if American mother gives baby up for adoption?

Yes I think he does have rights if he is the child's father. Legal status shouldn't have any bearing.

Is Sterling Knight A Father?

Yes he got me pregnant a while ago and now since our son is born he is a father to a newborn boy! No he isn't.

Do you take the male out when the babeys are born?

no u do not take a male out when babys are born

Why do christians think that every baby born is a miracle?

cause its a true miricle when babys were born because they are gods babys ur gods child so just deal with it