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Not in this case, as both the wife and the employee are held responsible.

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Q: If you catch your wife cheating with a fellow employee can a company be held liable?
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No , if an employee has committed fraud and signed a contract under the company knowingly unauthorized then the company may not held liable.

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In General No, The party that caused the accident is liable. However, If You were driving a company provided vehicle a the time of the accident, then the company may have some secondary financial liability depending on the circumstances of the accident.

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He is representing Midas and is an employee, so of course they are responsible.

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If the employee was in a company vehicle, on company business, then the other driver would suit the company. But it also depends on where the accident took place, as the laws differ.

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In court, no. However it cannot go without consideration that if employee was trained to use said equipment and caused damage, the employee may consider contributing to repairs.

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Well as described, I would say everybody is irresponsible! Generally, an employee acting on the commands of his employer makes the employer liable for those actions - more likely "also" liable - so the employee may not be entirely in the clear, albeit less of an attractive target.

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If an employee is on his way to work and driving a company car and has an accident is the employer liable?

In most cases, the company's insurance carrier will pay for damages, as long as the fault causing the accident was not caused by the employee. The employee here is representing the company in this case - if the employee is charged with negligent driving and was cited for causing the accident, the company insurance carrier will most likely pay, but will seek restitution from the employee. Could get into a real sticky situation.

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No, responder superior is a legal doctrine that holds an employer liable for the actions of their employees if the actions were conducted within the scope of employment. It does not offer full protection from lawsuits, as the employer can still be held responsible for the actions of their employees.

Who is liable for illegally installing software?

If a user illegally installs software on their home computer, they are held liable. (If a child illegally installs software on a parent's computer, the parent will most likely be held liable, depending upon the age of the child.) The exact person held liable is more sketchy when applied to a company. If the company has masterminded the illegal installation of software (i.e., they told the employees to do it), they will most likely be held liable. If an employee illegally installs software on a company computer, the installer will be held liable, but the company might also be held liable, depending on the circumstances and the degree to which the company was involved. The court sentence varies, but in the U.S. it is a maximum of 5 years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine. However, the maximum sentence is usually only used in repeated offenses and extreme first offenses.

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No, the golfer is liable