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I don't know what your scientific terms mean, but I can tell you that I am a blue eyed female (my father was brown eyed/my mother had hazel eyes).

The father of my two children is brown eyed.

Both of my children have blue eyes.

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Q: If you crossed a homozygous dominant man with brown eyes with a homozygous recessive woman with blue eyes what color or colors would their children have?
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What is an allele that expresses itself in a hybrid?

A hybrid is formed for example when a homozygous dominant (AA) individual is crossed with homozygous recessive (aa) individual. all the individuals which are produced in F1 generation are hybrids (Aa) in case of a hybrid only dominant allele is expressed, while the recessive allele remains suppressed due to dominant recessive relationship.

If a homozygous dominant is crossed with a homozygous recessive for a given trait the offspring will be?

The phenotype will show the dominant trait. All dominant traits mask recessive ones; If the genotype is heterozygous (One dominant and one recessive) the organism's phenotype will be dominant.

If a homozygous tall and short pea plant are crossed will the offspring be of medium height?

Not if either trait is dominant. Let us say tall is dominant ( I think it is ) and short is recessive. T = tall, and s = short. TT X ss will give heterozygous tall plants. Ts

If a homozygous dominant parent and a heterozygous parent are crossed what percentage of the offspring are expected to be homozygous dominant?


Why were all the offsprins purple when gregor menel crossed true breeding purple flowered plants with true breeding white flowered plants?

All the offspring were purple because Mendel was dealing with simple genetic dominance. The purple true breeding parent was homozygous dominant and the true breeding white parent was homozygous recessive. When those two are crossed they create only heterozygous offspring (look up a punnett) and since this is simple dominance those heterozygous will show the phenotype of the dominant allele which is purple.

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A parent that is homozygous for a dominant trait is crossed with a parent that is homozygous for the recessive trait What percentage of the offspring will display the dominant trait?

100 percent

In a testcross an organism with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype is crossed with what to establish its genotype?

homozygous recessive

In which offspring does a dominant trait appear?

if a trait is recessive, it can only be expressed if its other trait is recessive as well. If the other trait in the genotype is dominant, it will block the recessive factor. But if both are recessive, they will be able to be seen in the offspring.

What is an allele that expresses itself in a hybrid?

A hybrid is formed for example when a homozygous dominant (AA) individual is crossed with homozygous recessive (aa) individual. all the individuals which are produced in F1 generation are hybrids (Aa) in case of a hybrid only dominant allele is expressed, while the recessive allele remains suppressed due to dominant recessive relationship.

A homozygous dominant brown mouse is crossed with a heterozygous brown mouse (White is the recessive color)?

A pretty bow

If a homozygous dominant is crossed with a homozygous recessive for a given trait the offspring will be?

The phenotype will show the dominant trait. All dominant traits mask recessive ones; If the genotype is heterozygous (One dominant and one recessive) the organism's phenotype will be dominant.

The F1 offspring of Mendel's classic pea cross always looked like opne of the two parental varieties because?

Because Mendel crossed two pure-breeding plants. One being homozygous dominant and one being homozygous recessive. All of the progeny ended up being heterozygous, causing them to take on the dominant phenotype and look like the homozygous dominant parent.

What is the height of the f1 plant if the tall plant AABBCC is crossed with a base height plant aabbcc?

In such a cross, the F1 plants will always be tall, because that is the dominant allele. In the cross described, a homozygous dominant plant was crossed with a homozygous recessive plant; a cross that produces 100% heterozygous offspring. (AaBbCc)

What is the difference fom heterozygous and homozygous recessive?

In genetics, you can either have a dominant allele (A) or a recessive allele (a). Being homozygous means that you have both of either a dominant or a recessive allele (ie you are either AA or aa). If the trait is a recessive trait, then you need to have it be homozygous recessive in order to express that trait. Hope this was helpful! :-)

What is an example of two heterozygous parents?

The possible genotypes of parents who are heterozygous would be found using a punnet square. The outcome would be 50 percent heterozygous dominant, 25 percent homozygous dominant, and 25 percent homozygous recessive.

What would the offspring most likely be if an individual with a heterozygous trait and an individual with a homozgous recessive trait crossed be?

The offspring would have a 50% chance of being heterozygous and showing the dominant trait and a 50% chance of being homozygous for the recessive trait.

An individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and produce many offspring?

The offspring has a 50% chance of the dominate trait (while being heteroygous) and a 50% chance of having the recessive trait ( homozygous recessive).